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Amphion good or bad? - ME

Posted: Mar 19, 2013

Is this company good or bad?

Amphion - Nikki

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This is my first time attempting either a post or a reply so I hope I'm doing it correctly! I can't speak for how Amphion is as an employer. They do some overflow work for the hospital where I work and I can tell you that the quality for the most part is atrocious.

Amphion - ME

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Thanks for the info.

Hospital - Summer

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What hospital are you affiliated with?
I work for Amphion and would like to know so that we can do better for you!

Hospital - Linda

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I work for Amphion, too, and I can't believe the quality is "atrocious" considering how much the transcriptionists go through with QA. Which hospital is it? This needs to be looked into.

BAD - wheres_my_job

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You will be underpaid unbelievably. If you don't want to take my word for it - work for them, and see how small the paycheck is.

Amphion - ME

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Did you work by the line or hourly?

Hourly at Amphion...surely you jest - wheres_my_job

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Just go to their website and check out their explanations for how they do things.

Horrible - sm

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They actually expect you to hit a decent line count on eScription WITHOUT paying for spaces. This is impossible, not to mention that they have the worst group of QAs. They are so nuts it's almost funny. The Team Leads and Supervisors just cannot grasp the fact that you cannot have quanity and quality at the same time while being forced to comply with ridiculous account specs and not being paid for spaces. Amphion does not have intelligent people in charge. I doubt anyone has higher than a high school education working there other than the MTs. If someone would actually listen to us, we could solve this whole mess.

Happy at Amphion - Mandy

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Amphion is the best company I have found and have been working there for about 5 years now. It's not hard to make a good living if you actually work, and take advantage of the classes to master the platforms they have. Feel free to email me with any questions if you want to find out more.


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I work at Amphion and get paid by the line and make a good living. I was paid $10 per hour the first month and then moved to production pay. The people are great to work with and I haven't had any problems.

Depends on what you consider to be a good living - Hmmmm

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I guess to some people, $10 an hour is a good living. If that is the case, maybe you can be happy there. For me, that is terrible.
$10/hour was a decent living in 1989 in the Midwest. nm - Not today
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Absolutely the truth - 10/hour doesn't cut it these days - wheres_my_job
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and I'm talking just basics like food, gas, clothing, housing. Nothing fancy, just the basics - and 10 bucks an hour won't cut it.
It is when you are training and not up to speed yet. - JM
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Was lucky to have the $10 until I got up to speed.

I don't work at Amphion - but have wanted to

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for years! I remotely trained a gal to do MT (remotely meaning I sent her tapes thru the mail or did re-record and e-mailed them, spent hours on the phone, etc.) I live in the frozen north and she in the nice warm south.

So quite a few years ago she gets in with Amphion and loves it! Has flexible hours and more than enuf work. I have taken their online test at least 4 times and can't pass the darn thing - me HER mentor!

I would love a chance to work at Amphion!
Most people run out of work at Amphion...and pay is LOW - wheres_my_job
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Flexible hours - why? - because you will run out of work on your shift, or have no work for HOURS when you start - so you better be extremely flexible to TRY and get your lines in.
Flexible Schedule - Linda
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The flexible schedule is what I love about Amphion. Other places I've applied with tell you when you will work. With Amphion, when you are first hired, you tell them what you want your schedule to be. That was AWESOME!!! Not running out of work, either. They are begging for extra hours.

It's hard because you run out of work...if you work - wheres_my_job

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the more productive you are at Amphion, the more likely you are to run out of work, and be put on another account...and another, and another...then you will run out of work on those. It's not about "mastering platforms." It's the lack of work they send you...especially if you are doing well, and have a high line count...you are almost guaranteed to run out of work!!

I don't run out of work and on only two accounts. - Mandy

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Maybe this happened in the past, but it's not the case now. You should give them a try again.

former employee - never again

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I worked for them last year about 6 months, believing I could make up for the unpaid spaces. It didn't happen. When hired I was promised a large acute care account, which then ran NJA almost immediately. I trained on 5 different accounts and specs in 6 months. I gave it a try, wouldn't do it again.

Forgive me! - Nikki

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I'm new around here and don't know all the lingo - and I feel stupid for asking - but what does NJA mean?

No jobs available...NM - Old Anon

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Well duh! - Nikki
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Wow...that shouldn't have strained my brain so much! LOL! Ours says "no more files available". I might end up hearing that today!

Reliable - Ellie

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I've been at Amphion over 5 years. I can't imagine working anywhere else! My personal experience is that if you're a reliable, dependable worker, you'll bank cash. I never run out of work. And if a client runs dry for some reason, I'm training for another within an hour. It's my willingness to work and dedication that make me successful. My team always has OT and extra hours available. Some of my friends work with me and we all have backup accounts. We all love it, love the steady work, chance for extra income and - most amazingly - set schedules!

Try it - you will love it!

my experience - wishful

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perhaps if I had been afforded what you have, I'd have stayed. Set schedule, yes I had that, but with NJA was coming on at all times to find work. Offered to learn new accounts because of NJA and then ended up with 5 accounts all loading at one time with 5 separate specs... insanity. As for bankrolling? I am now averaging about $2 per hour more where I am. Glad it works for you though.

No, trust me, you won't "bank cash" - wheres_my_job

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You will run out of work, get a new account with a brand new batch of account specs, horrible VR, and you will be slogging through it - oh, and then when you get better - surprise! - again you will run out of work, and the whole miserable process will start again.

It's definitely NOT "willingness to work and dedication" at play at Amphion. You are underpaid, work is chronically running out (I mean year round, every single day and week), and you will end up switching, roaming between accounts, looking for work, and/or working well beyond your regular shift to just barely make your lines - and if you are a high production, dedicated worker, you will eventually, sooner or later, but for your sake hopefully sooner, driven out of Amphion.

I don't recommend, there is NOT steady work for the vast majority of its employees, and you will jump from account to account.

Try it - you will hate it!

Amphion has lots of work, try it! - You WILL like it!

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I am an MT at Amphion and have plenty of work, in fact we have had the option to work extra and overtime since last October. I have only had one account, but was told I could learn a backup if needed. Email me if you want to know more.

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