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.08/line as an IC. Is this as good as it gets? - mtv

Posted: Mar 01, 2010


No - kind of low - sm

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for an IC unless you're a doing some kind of subcontracting for another MTSO. I make 11-13 cpl as an IC working for my own clients. The variance depends on the whether the paper is supplied or not. Good Luck

MTs are now getting so desperate for work that.....sm - oldtimer

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they will work for crumbs, thus shooting themselves and all other MTs in the foot. Subtract at least 20% from your line pay if you are an IC, and if you work a set schedule, shame on you, you are NOT an IC in any sense of the term.

No, that's low. It's equivalent to about 6 cpl as an emp w/ benes. - nm

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I only get 7 - count yer blessings

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I think it is as good as it gets these days. Those that have their own clients get more, but I am not able to get my own clients, so low pay it is.

7 as an IC? That's - sm

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equivalent to 5 as an employee with benes. If you look at the job boards and ask around, the average is about 8 as an employee, so you're being way underpaid unless maybe you're a newbie.

nope.. not a newbie - count yer blessings

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I have been doing this for over 15 years now.

I get 7 cpl for clinic and 8.5 for acute care as an IC.

Yes, I believe I am being underpaid but I need a job, and there is nothing out there.

you must not be watching ads; many recent - IC job postings offer 7 or less.

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The only ads I've seen paying that low are by TTD. - nm
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I make 7 cpl with one company and 8 cpl with another - MT

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I've been at this for 9 years. My days are generally 14-16 hours long just to make a decent paycheck.

I make 10 cpl as an IC. - NM

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Where? - Lolly

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Where please?

8 cents - gintex

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Yes, 8 cents is a drag!I worked for a wonderful small company for 8-10 years and was making 11 cents two years ago; unfortunately their main account went the way of a national company and so I left. PLUS I have over 20 years exp. But it is a job!

So, you are settling for 6 cents a line? Do you....sm - anon

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also have to adhere to a schedule? What would you say are the benefits to your current arrangement?

It sure beats 4.8 cpl with Transcend and having to retype every single report - its okay

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that crappy VR machine messes up. The only ones making money are the cherry picking team leads and the shirts. This place has really gone down hill to be a low class operation.

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