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I agree. The people trolling this board with such - horrible comments are probably doing the

Posted: Jul 23rd, 2023 - 2:46 pm In Reply to: Interesting - It is also common sense

same on other media simply because they cannot seem to keep their mouth shut, even when it would be in their best interest to do so. These trolls never stop to think maybe a company requested employees not post or discuss their jobs due to the fact people on this board (and other boards) are totally out of control with their hate.

There was a poster on here not too long ago slamming a company I work for, and have worked for, for years. She posted total BS about this company and wrote some very, very slanderous/libelous posts -- none of which were true. She admitted she never worked for the company, but positioned herself as if she had the inside track and knew all there was to know about this company. Every single thing she posted was a lie -- when I confronted her with her lies, as I knew every person working within that company, she immediately started attacking me personally; however, she was forced to stop the lying posts about the company. Seems there is so much unfounded, useless, pointless, hateful posters on this board. When they are confronted with their behavior, they attack personally to try and cover up their own inadequacies. I cannot imagine any employer wanting to put up with that nonsense in a professional environment.


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