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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Transcribeme.. (Views: 40)

Interesting. - sleepymt

Posted: Jul 13th, 2023 - 12:02 am In Reply to: Then why bother giving a name? What difference should it make? - 9 times out of 10 you never heard of the company

It's not being nosey.

For years this was a place where we helped each other, talked about where we worked, gave insight if others were interested or wanted info on a company. It's basic networking.

No one has to say where they work. However, it's not a bad thing or illegal either even if you sign something. MTSO's don't come here anymore and they certainly can't ID you.

It's too bad. This board was unique. Then, it went to pot. Looks like it's fallen even more considering the few people or companies that post jobs here. I see it still hasn't been updated for years. Time to close it up. Just a magnet for hate...not helping others.


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