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That is awesome - Good luck

Posted: Jun 21st, 2023 - 7:34 pm In Reply to: I got an interview! Help requested... - Former MT

Good luck on your interview. I also went from being an MT to an HIM job. Think of it this way, they must have been impressed with you enough to invite you to interview in the first place. Don’t be surprised if they don’t ask you any questions about being an MT. My first interview was scripted and they asked questions related to how you went over and above at work, and presented scenarios about what you would do in certain situations. Then I was called back for a second interview with a different person. Unless it’s a small place, expect a second round of interviews. If you can role play with someone prior to going in, it might help you prepare. I was sent a set of sample questions which was helpful. I went on 3 interviews at different places before I landed a job, and the interviews were good practice regardless. Try not to be nervous but I know it’s difficult, I’m sure you will do well.


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