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Well... - see msg

Posted: Jul 1st, 2023 - 4:13 pm In Reply to: but still has time to brag, brag, brag lol - it really never ends NM

I don't get why people think someone is bragging when they bit the bullet and overcame their fears and got the heck out of a gawdawful business that so many have and so many want to. I think it's great; it gives hope to the MTs who mistakenly think the only thing they can do from home (or anywhere) is MT.

So, leave those alone who are trying to show encouragement to others. Kudos to all who are brave enough to take the plunge. It's not bragging. It's showing all that it CAN be done. YES, it's scary to do that---nobody here will say it's not. Get off that "we're just bragging thing," and let them enjoy it. I got out in 2011. Yes, it takes fortitude and lots of frustration, but it's doable.

Take what those who got out as encouragement, not bragging. You are angry and jealous and that's the bottom line. It shows through; you're not fooling ANYONE.


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