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MT is essentially dead - SM

Posted: Jun 21st, 2023 - 2:16 pm In Reply to: Are there any decent companies left? - PigeonholedMT

I finally left the field at the beginning of the year after 21 years as an MT. It's no longer a stable or reliable career. In the last decade or so, I've watched this go from a very solid career with the ability to make excellent money to a dwindling dinosaur with very little to no jobs left. What very few jobs are left don't even pay what amounts to minimum wage. I had to get out. I have a mortgage, car payment, and other bills and MT was no longer going to suffice. I now work for an electronic medical records company full-time. I still work remotely from home, have a set salary, full benefits, paid time off, every weekend and holiday off (with paid holidays), company matched 401K, life insurance, regular raises, annual bonuses, and many other perks. I also don't have to work 15+ hours a day to make a decent paycheck like I did as an MT. I work my scheduled 8 hours and I'm done. I now have a great work/life balance that I haven't had in years. I know exactly how much I will make each paycheck and never have to stress about it. It's sad because I used to LOVE being an MT, but there are virtually no jobs left in this field and no money to be made. All of the good and decent companies that were around years ago have shut their doors for good and are long gone. I think it's safe to say that MT is officially dead or, at the very least, on life support.


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