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It’s that simple - Not really

Posted: Jun 25th, 2023 - 2:23 pm In Reply to: That's all great advice, but many people on this board seem to - NOT want advice, but the work done for them. SM

I don’t think there is anything simple about looking for an MT job; there are over 10,000 resumes posted on MT Stars alone, so that is a lot of competition. There might be confidentiality reasons for people not wanting to share employer names and contact information. My part-time jobs are small potatoes compared to the one posted above about working at the billion dollar company, but most places have confidentiality agreements in place regarding the use of social media for company business. My situation is different in that I’m retired from transcription and HIM now, but wanted to work for supplemental income. It was difficult to find jobs that didn’t involve grocery stores, fast food or delivering auto parts. There is nothing wrong with those jobs, but I have physical limitations at my age that would prevent that. For MTs who work at home, isolation from the community becomes a problem. LinkedIn is a networking site that I like, and people can make contact with others who actually have connections that might help. You can’t hide behind an anonymous screen name like people do here. I think Facebook might also have more to offer than MT Stars. I still agree that people need to do their own job searches, but anyone who says it is easy to find employment these days hasn’t been looking recently. Not to mention the false leads on line and other internet scams.


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