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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Decent companies - Is MT Dead

Posted: Jun 21st, 2023 - 3:17 pm In Reply to: Are there any decent companies left? - PigeonholedMT

I don’t know the definition of “decent,” but transcription and scribing are not your only options, especially if you are able to work outside your home. I also loved being an MT and worked on site for 25 years. I recently ended up with 2 part-time jobs, one at the library and one as a medical records clerk for a local government agency. I didn’t need benefits so it works for me and the pay is decent. I looked for about 18 months, and applied for quite a few jobs. I’m sure you have great skills and could do many different things. I’m not posting to brag, but there are many opportunities to explore.


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