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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Transcribeme.. (Views: 42)

Coding outsourcing - It happens more than you realize

Posted: May 7th, 2022 - 11:17 am In Reply to: No, they are not. Not even close. This is not true. - sm

Coding is definitely outsourced. US facilities routinely contract with outside services to handle overflow and there are many offshore contractors these days. Your coding job may pay well, but I think the burnout rate is pretty high, and you will have metrics to meet that are much more stringent than that of MT. I worked on site as a transcriptionist and a medical records specialist for years, and poor managers and toxic workplace situations are very common, so you might be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Also, transitioning from MT to coding is not as smooth as you make it sound. Comparing the jobs is like comparing apples to oranges, and for every success story like yours, there are probably 10 who thought that because they could transcribe they could code, and never found jobs. I hope it goes well for you, but it is definitely not for everyone.


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