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KS - still waiting - fellow MT

Posted: Dec 11th, 2019 - 11:45 pm In Reply to: Keystrokes - Still Waiting - Minion

I've heard of MTs employed by other MTSOs filing class action lawsuits because of not receiving their pay for work performed - in fact, wasn't one of them this very MTSO a few years back where the MTs filed a class action lawsuit for overtime pay they never received and they won the case?

I wonder if KS can have another class action lawsuit brought against them again for not paying their employees? I'm thinking that may be the best way to recover your pay before any other lawsuits wipe out whatever is left of the assets. I don't know how many MTs are being affected by all of this, but it must be quite a few. Along with recovering your pay, you would all be sending a very strong message throughout the industry that this is what will happen if MTSOs continue to not pay their employees - class action lawsuits and all their bad business practices will become public record!


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