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Why do you think it starts a fire? There is a valid reason. - Do you want everyone to pet and praise her sm

Posted: Aug 1st, 2019 - 1:06 pm In Reply to: I am not her friend on Facebook, but I am of STB. sm - MT

for how brave and strong she is, her courage in the face of her troubles?

Please do tell, why people on here should NOT say anything bad. Interested people want to know.

Personal attacks getting out of hand? Why would you say such a thing? She's personally attacking her employees with her behavior and doesnt care at all, as clearly evidenced by her behavior.

You suck right up to her, giving the impression that her bad behavior is perfectly fine, no problem at all, and according to you it's everyone else who seems to be overreacting and dramatizing the issue.

You and anyone else defending her (whether it's her or her minions with fake posts) are half the problem.


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