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None of your business or ours if the poster is eating out. - The poster is NOT the one jerking people around SM

Posted: Aug 1st, 2019 - 12:14 pm In Reply to: Assumptions. She was at a cheap restaurant with family. sm - FB MT

and causing problems with other people's paychecks and lives.

LT has no right to eat out anywhere with her financial problems that she caused and are causing other people severe financial distress. I dont care if it's Sonic drive thru on a 99-cent special. If she cant pay her people ON TIME, she doesnt deserve to be feeding her fat face in a restaurant. She deserves to be dumpster diving behind a pizza place for her meals.

How do you know this poster doesn't have someone picking up her tab, or a husband with a regular paycheck so they can afford to go out, and so on?

It does not matter how well that poster is doing. The poster is not the one causing anyone problems. She has a right to do what she wants and eat out if she pleases.

It's strictly LT and only LT who is causing the problems. Nobody else.


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