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Dead on - So pathetic

Posted: Jul 30th, 2019 - 2:44 pm In Reply to: I do not know her, have never worked there - but it is all just pity me

That is 100% exactly what she is doing. It's all a desperate cry for attention and sympathy. She wants people to respond and tell her what an amazing, caring, strong person she is and that she hasn't done anything wrong. It's a complete load of BS and is so transparent. She can write a long, whiny, woe is me, everybody hates me post on her other business page that has literally nothing to do with KS, yet she can't be even the least bit bothered to directly address her employees via email and be honest and apologetic with them. This is nothing more than an act. She's like a little kid running to her mommy saying, "They're being mean to me!!!" She has A LOT of growing up and maturing to do, which is pretty pathetic at her age....


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