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Since I have been emailing LT, she has told me when and it is there, When sm - KS MT

Posted: Jul 30th, 2019 - 3:20 pm In Reply to: No, she has LIED to employees - Big difference...

When I was asking TT, he would promise and I would not get it on that day. I would rather hear that it will be not be a day than to count on it. Not a great thing all the way around but at least I am getting answers that follow through. I am not happy when my check is late but I am going to stick it out as I do like everything else and I have not found anything better. I have worked for too many others including very big ones and found them to be horrible.

Even when upset about my check, I cannot and will not go after a person personally. KS is not a bad company, and I hope that they get past this because I really like my job.


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