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I haven't gotten mine either - Another Ex-Ks

Posted: Jul 30th, 2019 - 12:29 pm In Reply to: KS 7/10 check - Former KS

I also recently quit and have not received my 7/10 check yet either and am considering doing the same. This is getting ridiculous. Did you happen to see LT's latest post on her Limitless page? She sure deserves an Academy Award for her leading role of "victim!"

I'll share it here if you want a good laugh...or if you want to vomit.

"Do you ever feel like just giving up? Throwing in the towel? Closing your business and going back into the corporate world or selling it to the highest offer? Maybe even selling or giving everything you have away and moving to a small town in the country to have a simple life?

I sure have. In fact, I’ve felt that way (all of it) for months.

That doesn’t mean I’ll do any of it.

Instead, I’ve been working with my team to turn things around and to get back on solid ground. It’s working. We are finally making progress, slowly but surely, but it’s hard, really hard, to do.

Don’t give up. Don’t waste all your time looking for an easy fix. Tackle the issues one at a time, bit by bit, and be laser focused on each bit.

Ignore the haters. Yes, I’ve received a lot of hate mail, texts and messages from employees and past employees, but I’ve also received a lot of support, more than the hate. I’ve been cursed at, threatened and have had past issues from almost 30 years ago publicized and exaggerated, as though doing so will fix the current problems. I’ve had my businesses criticized, my choices questioned and my integrity destroyed. I’ve spent hours crying and days hiding from the world. I’ve been accused of making up health issues and been called a liar, a thief and a con artist. I wasn’t a great person in my 20’s, something I’m pretty open about, and many of those tags fit me back then, but not in over 25 years. I keep asking myself if karma has bitten me in the ass for everything I did back then, if that’s why everything has been going wrong, but that’s not a good mindset for change.

I’m proud of the businesses I’ve created, nurtured and grown. I’m proud of who I am today. I’ve made mistakes in my life, and I’ve made mistakes in my business, but you won’t find anyone who works harder to fix them than me.

So why do I keep going? That’s easy ... because it’s worth it. My employees are worth it. My family is worth it. My life is worth it.

So if you’re going through a rough time, don’t give up. Reach out to others for help. Evaluate what the issues are, and map out the steps to turn it around. Ignore the haters, be honest with those who ask questions and keep going, one baby step at a time."


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