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Agreed - SM

Posted: Jul 31st, 2019 - 3:40 pm In Reply to: As Dave Ramsey says, if you're in debt, - W/C Reviewer

The Illinois Attorney General's office absolutely needs to be informed about this. She is basically stealing from her employees at this point. She is likely using the money from their paychecks to pay her own bills. This is just unreal. BEYOND unreal. I have honestly never seen anything like this in my entire life. What she is doing is not just downright wrong and unethical, but it is CRIMINAL. This woman belongs in prison. This is not an isolated incident. This has been going on for YEARS, only now it has gotten totally out of control. She is not sorry. She is only sorry that she is having to take the heat for this. She doesn't have a care in the world about anybody but herself. Everything that she says is an outright lie. I also wonder what she was doing dining out when she is supposedly in so much financial trouble. This just shows her true character!!!!


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