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Company Board

Beautifully said - Tired MT

Posted: Jul 31st, 2019 - 12:18 pm In Reply to: Actions speak louder than words. If the - MI MT

You're exactly right. All that she continues to do is make excuse after excuse and has done absolutely nothing to remedy the problem. Keystrokes has been blatantly mismanaged since the very day it came into existence 22 years ago. Company funds have been misused/abused, bills have gone unpaid, resulting in lawsuits and huge IRS debt, and it's the employees who have to pay the ultimate price. This company has definitely had intermittent payroll issues on and off for many, many years, but never even remotely to this extent. What's going on now is next level. People going 3, 4, 5 weeks without being paid is beyond unacceptable and there is absolutely no excuse in this world for it. She can spew the garbage that she has been posting on FB as much as she wants, but it doesn't change the fact that nothing has changed and likely never will. I don't normally wish ill fate upon anyone, but this is one exception. It's well past time that she be held accountable for her actions and she deserves whatever she has coming her way.


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