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and if she does - anon

Posted: Jul 31st, 2019 - 12:18 am In Reply to: Unless she confessed to a gambling addiction it's a lie. nm - ex-ex KS

if there is truth to this, I will definitely be praying for her, as I would anyone else with that problem.

Me personally, she has been nothing but good to me. She has been paying me as promised, i have my health insurance, and when me and quite a few of my coworkers lost our account, she placed us all on different ones so we could still have work instead of being unemployed which is more than other MTSO's have done for me. I do not agree with what she has done but I will not knock on anyone that is trying, and yes, she is trying - again, I can only speak on my personal experience. I truly believe she will fix this and do right. Business is flourishing and she does have a lot of people on her side that believe in her.

As for her past, we all have done things we are not proud of. Who are we to judge? If you don't have a heaven or hell to put her in, don't judge her.

If you don't care for her, don't deal with her. Don't work for her. But the name calling, dragging one down, etc, you know, the high-school bullying stuff, is uncalled for. I wouldn't do that to my worse enemy.

I know- I will get heat from this post - but, I could care less how you feel about it. I feel how I feel, that is that.


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