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Well, I know her - SM

Posted: Jul 30th, 2019 - 10:41 pm In Reply to: I do know her very well. She does not. sm - Long Time MT

I worked full-time for KS for a decade. I worked closely with her over the years on various projects. I know how very dirty she did me in the end after I had given up so much of my personal life and free time to bust my ass for her over the years, after never calling out sick, after consistently going above and beyond and always producing top quality work. I know all of the glamorous promises that she made me that NEVER came to fruition. I remember working hours and hours and hours of overtime and NEVER getting compensated for it (yes, I should have sued). I know how she has also treated several of my friends who worked for her as well. I also know her history, and it is NOT pretty. So, yes, some of us DO know her.


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