A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Feb 22, 2015

(forgive me for posting this twice, but I am new here and I wanted it at the beginning of Nuance posts but somehow it ended up in the middle of an ongoing discussion - so I am attempting to repost here. )


Does anyone know the answer to this?? Our hospital is going with Nuance. We are being pressured to make a decision by this week as to whether we go with Nuance or accept the unemployment. Here is our question... I hope a few people answer this!!! Do ANY of you know anyone who did not accept Nuances offer of employment and was then denied U/E benefits based on the fact that they "refused full time employment"??? We are afraid that is a loop-hole and those of us who do not go with Nuance will not be able to collect. Thanks!! 

No win situation .. - Nobody

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Your situation sounds really confusing. I know nothing of Nuance but the way I see it, any which way you look at it, you are going to get screwed out of something. The hospital I worked for paid me almost $20 an hour to work from home with complete benefits and retirement income. Worked there for 7 years. Then they brought in a new HIMS director who decided to phase out the hospital's transcriptionists as they retire, etc. I took retirement and left with a check for $20,000. This new director hired Athreon to pick up the slack and I have no doubt those people make the same old national 7 cents a line with nothing close to the benefits we as hospital transcriptionists were making. These days all I can say is that it is a "no win" situation any way you look at it.

What they are offering is not at all a "comparable" position. - Despite their claims...

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If you even survive long enough to understand their convoluted pay matrix, you will likely not even earn minimum wage and will be drawing "makeup pay" while you get up to speed. A couple weeks of this and they'll start pressuring you about it. Make screen shots of alot of posts on this board describing working conditions here, the accusations of wage theft, etc. I think you are more likely to lose your ability to provide for yourself by coming to Nuance!

Call your local unemployment office - sm

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Call the local unemployment office and explain the situation immediately.

When my husbands company shut down, the unemployment people came and gave a presentation to the workers and went over the benefits regarding retraining, placement, explained unemployment.

If you cannot get someone to come and talk to your group, at least discuss your concerns individually. I would explain that others have had very poor experiences with the company and may experience a significant salary decrease eventually.

They should let you know your options. Make sure you are talking to someone who is a qualified counselor (ask them how long they have been working with unemployment issues).

Good luck to you.

unemployment - closetbird

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I agree with sm, no matter WHAT, always go down to unemployment in person and state your situation to find out for yourself. No matter how much we want to help each other, there is no substitution for getting the facts.

You are in a tough spot. If you refuse the offer - unfortunately no unemployment

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You are not being laid off, as you have offer of other employment. It doesn't matter that the pay may be less. The hospital and Nuance both know this and count on it to "encourage" you to take their deal.

Do you know this from personal experience - or is this a guess?

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I have read on here where some were able to get UE as, even though it is employment, it is a completely different job which you should not be forced to accept.

When my company was bought out I was kind of a sucker and never looked into anything, but knowing now as I do how much worse things are post buyout, there should be some other alternative as it is like you are being told to accept half your salary and terrible conditions or else.

I have read on the MModal board of MTs getting TAA help - Trade Adjustment Assistance - which helps in retraining since our jobs are affected by offshoring. That would be another thing to look into, not sure how you get eligibility for that.

I would definitely do anything BUT take the Nuance job if you can.

TAA see link - MModalMT

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You are correct about the unemployment, at least in my state, you cannot be forced to take a job that pays less. I agree that the OP should check for the facts in her state. My state has no local offices anymore, it is all done online now, so she may have to call or email the state office website for facts. I have enclosed the link to the TAA government FAQ page to help the OP get started on a petition. MM had one for a few years as it was extended several times. The FAQ page has some good information and I would encourage the OP and her fellow employees to file a petition asap so they can go to school and collect unemployment. They offer a lot of benefits depending on the situation such as travel expenses etc.

unemployment - closetbird

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In NY you do not have to take a job offer making less money. That said, Nuance and our hospital signed a contract saying they would pay us our normal salary for six weeks and then we would go on Nuances pay scale which is less. I think, but I don't know for a fact, that people going with Nuance to get that extra six weeks screw themselves as far as unemployment because they knew and agree to that deal. I think most of our people are taking the severance package and then going with unemployment to give themselves more time. Unfortunately there are all those hidden details that people who are panicking about their paycheck do not think about. I guess you have to think "sneaky" to save yourself.

I do not think that is true - BTDT

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It does matter if the pay is less, a person has the right to turn down a job offer if there is a big discrepancy in pay, or draw partial unemployment and U think that is true in almost every state. Not only is this a layoff, it is also job elimination through outsourcing and I know for a fact that employees qualify for job retraining because I went through it with several coworkers. The hospital may be encouraging people to take the "deal" but that is so they don't have to pony up the unemployment benefits. The hospital washed their hands of these MTs, they cannot be forced to take jobs they don't want.

Not true. Not true at all. - NM

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You are generalizing way too much. Many different factors at play. The poster won't know for sure unless they apply for unemployment.

unemployment - closetbird

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Actually I think there is a difference between being laid off and being outsourced. Laid off means there is a chance they will call you back. Outsourced is a total elimination of a job position. In any event, I would make sure I called my local unemployment office to check.

I refused, got unemployment, sm - CheckForYourself

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I even got a $5000 scholarship through the WIA/trade act to go back to school and did not have to look for a job while I was in school. I got this because there were no transcription jobs in my area and because Nuance sends work overseas. Check with your local unemployment before you make a decision. If your whole hospital was being taken over by another, that is one thing; however, just your job is being outsourced so you cannot be forced to take a job, at least in my state anyway, Northeast state.

This is what I think - BTDT

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You cannot be forced to accept a job you do not want to take, that's like selling people into slavery. I think this is considered a layoff; hence you are entitled to unemployment compensation. If you take the job with Nuance and the pay is considerably less, you can collect partial UE. If your old job is eliminated as the result of outsourcing, you are eligible for worker retraining. I don't work for Nuance but went through a layoff and those are the things I learned. My advice would be to try and find another position within your current organization or do something else. I'm hanging tough in a transcription related job for a couple more years until I can retire but I personally would not take another transcription job. My opinion is that it's a dead end. If they refuse to let you file a UE claim, by all means appeal it.

Is there a reason you can give for - CINDY

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Is there a possible reason you can give for not taking the Nuance job, like you don't have a computer, you don't have electricity at your house, you don't have cable access.

This really sucks that you are in this position and are forced to go to work with a company that is not able to guarantee you a certain hourly rate, or even certain hours per week, I guess they will say that the account they are taking over has enough hours on it, that's for now until they hire 20 more people for doing the same job you already have just so they can be sure they have coverage and your hours will go down to 16 per week more than likely like everyone else. How many peoples lives has Nuance ruined already. They come in with this big off for the hospital and you the MT are just swept under the carpet and not cared about at all. By the way, if you type a comma in the wrong spot, put and or or or but when they don't think it should be there you get your pay knocked down. You will not like working here, This company sucks. Sorry for your position. The hospital doesn't have any idea how bad this company is. Yea they are saving money and space and the MT is getting nothing in return.

check at your UE office if you have one - every state is different

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there are many variables. if you were not working at home with your current job, then I would think that would be a legitimate reason for not accepting the job. For one reason or the other you may not be able to or desire to work at home. If the Nuance job is not exactly similar to your old job, maybe you could take UE.

Your old job would be paying your UE so they would want to encourage you to go with Nuance. See if your old job can offer you a similar job or a job you think you would like with similar pay and benefits. They may want to retain a few MTs for STAT or radiology, etc. When you go to or talk to UE be sure to mention the subject of benefits. I doubt N can match the benefits you are enjoying at your current hospital job.

Also, if your current job is paying hourly, the N will be paying you on a production basis and that could be an arguing point. definitely try for unemployment. Good luck.

Thanks so much! - LDA

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Thank you so much for your input, everyone!!! At a time like this I put my trust in my comrades, not BIG BUSINESS!! Your comments and suggestions are much appreciated. Keep them coming please. I am passing this information onto my coworkers.

I know some who did get UE - SM

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You have to apply and get the ball rolling. You may very well be eligible. So many factors involved, no one here can answer that for you one way or another.

Same situation here... - SM

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The same exact situation happened to my hospital's transcription department late last year. We were all offered jobs by the Nuance team who were at the hospital in their black business suits ready to pounce right after they "laid-off" over 20 of us. We were also told by our HR Department that day, "We will not contest unemployment."

No one went with Nuance and we all received and are still receiving unemployment; however, the hospital REFUSED to give us severance pay because they said, "We offered you a job with Nuance." Hah! Nuance offered us a job, NOT THE HOSPITAL! Regardless, not one of us has had regrets about not going with Nuance.

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