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Nuance good or bad - MLS20+years

Posted: Jan 15, 2015

I've been an MLS for 24 years.  Been with the same company working from home for the last 13 years.  Continuing to run out of work every day.  Looking for new company.  Have a potential job offer from Nuance.  Everything sounds good, but then I look up reviews!  Does anyone work as an MLS for Nuance?  Can you please tell me the absolute truth about the pay, QA, etc. etc.

It sucks. Go to Nuance board. - No message.

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and dont run to MMoral - they suck, too

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bigtime, even worse with the advent of the POD people.

The Truth... - HateThisPlace

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Let us start with pay...I don't know what I make anymore, because it changes on a weekly basis--yes, weekly. How? Pay is based on a number of metrics from the previous week including lines per hour, submission of jobs to QC (because I cannot understand something, or verify something, the audio is poor or the dictator makes an error) which has to be less than 10% of my total lines, and a quality % which is supposed to be over 99.3% I believe (not really sure). My lines are no longer my lines--they are converted using some ridiculously complex system that was set up for "patient safety" and to be "transparent." I cannot see through it at all.

I have no way to listen to any "errors" I am charged with. I just have to take the QA reviewer's word for it. QA can be ridiculously picky and I stopped requesting reversals because I was not granted them any longer.

Threatening emails: ADHERE TO YOUR SCHEDULE. AVOID MUP (make up pay if you don't make enough lines to achieve minimum wage). REMEMBER THE METRICS. Weekly scorecards... full of passive/aggressiveness......."if you are not meeting your metrics, you will hear from me and HR." In the same email, "Reach out to me to see if I can help..." to which there is never a reply from the TSM.

The weekly scorecard...this has my scheduled hours, my server hours, my quality %, QC submission %, total lines and a whole bunch of other numbers and % ....I don't even know what they are. You can see everyone's scores by employee number. In other words, I feel like there is a camera on my computer and someone is watching everything I do ---just waiting for me to make a "mistake."

I don't even want to go on anymore...there is so much more...

Its okay - ac

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The QA depends on your account. Some will have easier QA and some not. You want to get an account that has little ESL. The ESL accounts will make you loose money because you will have over 10% QA submission, and lower accuracy score overall. I have an acct that is mostly English, easy clinic notes. I can make up to 20/hr. Usually its in the 18-20 range. I do get weeks where my QA percentage is just 10.3 and my pay goes down to 7 cents a line. But I could avoid that by starting to calculate my percentages.

ESL accounts make it a waste of time - some really suck!!! - sm

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Yes they do, I avoid them if I can! Thats why its good to have more than one account - ac
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Even with multiple accounts... - mom22
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Even if you have multiple accounts, you have to hope and pray you have enough work, especially on holidays, to keep you busy because what you will end up with is some specialty you have no clue about or those that sit there like moldy cheese in the fridge...the mumblers, the nonsensical ones, and yes, the ones who cannot speak the language.

thruth! - Liddle

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Wow, they are bad, seems like Precyse is heading in the same direction.....except there hasn't been a pay cut yet, but they did take our $50 bonus, and quality has been increased to 98.5%. Lines required were recently increased, its getting to be, or I should said, its been ridiculous........where will it end?


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I hate this place as well!!!!

Depends on what you are looking for - mom22

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My honest opinion is there is a large problem with this company. They have ulterior motives that none of us know about. All our exclusives were taken away, and now we get doctors and specialties that even our own QA people can't understand! It keeps our line counts down. Then you have your "free" lines...QT lines that are based on 0.125 of your total QT lines even if you manipulate them, which again, brings your lines down. Then you have QA that doesn't want you to send to QA because if you send to QA, it counts against you, and if you have more than 10% in a week, you are stuck at 7 cents. Then you have audits....which normally happen on Friday, and it will be commas, etc., that have no bearing on anything and don't need to be there, but every single note they audit, I fail by just a fraction. Why? Because low lines, high QA, and low audit scores keep you at 7 cents. Don't even get me started on MUP reports which say if you are working so hard to fill in blanks because you have no clue how to do an account or have to read specs, etc., and you don't make minimum wage, and we have to kick in, you GO ON A REPORT. Too many times, and you're fired. The TSMs can't help, or won't, and no one knows how this is supposed to be good for quality.

In other words, they will keep your pay down in one of 4 ways, with the constant threat of if you do this too many times, you are fired. Loyalty, hard working, and dependable MTs don't matter. I've been in this for 25 years, and I made 10% what I did when I started. I cannot pay my bills. I do not get days off (you work EVERY day, including holidays), and it is hands down the worst place I have ever worked in my life.

That is the honest truth from someone who does not like change and likes to stick it out. If it sounds good, it normally isn't.

Find anything positive on the Nuance board. Just try! Not only that, look up the reputation of Nuance, their CEO being named top #5 worst of 2015. Do your research. You don't have to take one person's word for it. Here, you have many.

Low pay, high stress, and still have OOW situations (where you don't get paid anything). I don't see it as a benefit, but then that is up to you. I say steer clear.

I'm content. Have been here a few years. - sm

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But I'm sure I'll get bashed for saying I'm happy at Nuance.

That's the problem with these boards. It's where people to go vent. If you do not join in the negativity, then you will be accused of lying, of being a suit, or worse.

Again, I'm content.

Let the bashing begin.

Thank you - Refreshed

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That's refreshing to hear. Thank you for sharing that. :)

OMG...too funny..."refreshing" ??? LOL - So there is ONE person

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who comes on and says there are "content" for about every 20...

Makes me really wonder......

There is NO point in posting positive comments - on this board. sm
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Your reply is a good example why.

Those that are happy with their positions at Nuance stay away from these boards.

I personally know several coworkers who don't bother with posting here.
Exactly my point...I am the one to whom you - are replying....
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Now that we have that straight....

It's a well known fact this is basically a VENT board.....I am sure there are people who are happy here...I was at one point until fairly recently. I am sure the ones who are happy realize this and stay away like you say. And there is always someone like you who has to once again make note that "there is no point in saying anything positive here." Well, you are right!!!

I have been here 4 years... - qb

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And to be quite honest, the first 3-1/2 were really enjoyable. I had a good primary account, a lovely TSM, and was pretty much left alone to do my job. I was rarely OOW and it was not difficult to receive the weekly incentive.

The last 6 months have been a complete opposite from my first 3 years. My primary account is OOW often, and my secondaries are full of very difficult ESLs and account specifics with 25 and 37 pages to rifle through in order to complete a brief 2-3 minute report, but those seem to be the accounts I'm in most of late. My wonderful TSM has been moved to a different group and my new one doesn't respond to emails, is rarely on our instant messaging system, very difficult to get any help from her.

It's difficult to say what the pay actually is. We have multiple pages of charts, grids, factors for this and that, it takes an accounting degree to figure out your pay...and depending on what the the person auditing your work thinks, your pay could swing widely a couple of hundred dollars based on 1 word in 1 report.

I've been in this business for nearly 20 years, and I've never made this little money, never felt so degraded and belittled in my audits where missing a comma or a capital letter realistically can be the difference in $200 more in my check or $200 less. Basically, they want to pay no more than your state's minimum wage...but you are threatened with your job if they have to provide you with make up pay.

I've been looking nonstop for another job for almost a month, I can put up with a lot of corporate BS, but when my pay and my ability to meet my bills and take care of my family hinge on what a QA person in India thinks, it's time to hit the road. Good luck if you choose to go with Nuance, maybe you can have a better experience than I've had over the past few months.

I was content for a while--sm - anon

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I liked my account and was left alone to work. The pay stank but it stank no matter where you were.

That account was off-shored completely so I gave my new account my best shot and I liked that account too. That account went to Epic, completely so I moved to a new account.

I admit at the new account, I was a bit disgruntled for a while. I had only been on the old account 6-9 months. It is hard to build up speed when moving all the time. Eventually, I came to like the new account and eventually got my production up. Then I got a call from my supervisor that I was on the list of people who were going to be switching accounts due to the lack of work. Not only did I get to switch accounts but I had to learn a new platform.

At this point, my good attitude is gone. I can no longer overlook the nitpicky QA stuff that is incredibly stupid. Leaving out words like includes or significant for is not a major deal, once told, yes I can try to make it in there but they are making mountains out of mole hills and I am just no longer compensated enough to really care.

Don't do it! - BS

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They make EVERYTHING sound great but in reality they are horrible!!! I have worked for them for 4 years and have watched my paycheck decrease to the point where I can go to Wal-Mart and work for the same $$$. The ONLY reason I am still here is because I'm retiring very soon. Otherwise I would tell them what they can do with their job. They lie about everything and we get nothing but canned responses - it's like working for the "Stepford" company! QA is ridiculous and if you make one little mistake, your score and pay goes down drastically! Good luck, but I would stay away from Nuance.

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