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GRID - Get Rolling in the Dough - Mscuedawg

Posted: Jun 25, 2015

I'd like to hear from Nuance MT's that received this email the other day...and hear how it made you feel....thanks

I am not allowed to say in public how it made me feel except lousy. - It was condescending and lacked

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...any semblance of usefulness to MTs who NEVER blank anything except those MDs which are entirely unintelligible, which, by the way, are the only ones left after Nuance EHR systems and Indian partners finish off all the rest.

Thanks for asking, though. Really, this is the first question asked where I feel some glint of managerial sincerity peeking through.

My work life at Nuance will not improve until Nuance STOPS penalizing MTs for the trash being dictated in barely discernible English by clinicians who could not punctuate a run-on sentence or properly enunciate numerals if a patient's life depended upon it!

Unfortunately I'm not management... - Mscuedawg

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That's probably the first time I ever said that and meant it :)

We completely agree that it was condescending. I'm so tempted to reply all and let them have it.

Just wanted some feedback that I'm not the only one feeling defeated with the "GRID" email. Between Post going verbatim, the signature line mess, and our pay being slashed (BTW...I make less than I did at point of hire)...and today I'm told that my TSM can't guarantee she can work with my requested schedule change because they've lost so many employees.

Well, poop, I should have known it was too good to be true! - Rats! --lol--

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...oh, how I wanted, for once, it to be a real troll!
Sorry to disappoint - LOL - Mscuedawg
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He/she would've gotten fired for a low conspicuous quality rating ... ha ha ha!!
I'm sorry for your scheduling problems. Many years ago I had to get a doctor's - excuse to avoid night shift for health reasons.
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...been out of work on day shift alot since that, but the wear and tear on my body and mental health would have been too much.

Wish I could help.
No apologies needed :) n/m - Mscuedawg
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It did not take into account how slowed down some of us are catching - all the inconsistencies and clinical errors.

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...there are so many of these in the course of a shift they truly feel artificially created, like planted errors put there to trip us up and purposefully lower our pay. Previous posts on MTStars have referred to "training documents," and these just shoot the hell out of an hourly line count and QC error percentage, you know?

Sick of it.

OOW? - Mscuedawg

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Do you run out of work? How many accounts do they have you on?

I didn't get that email - sm

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...and now I'm completely curious...

Who wants to GRID - Mscuedawg

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No...not a change in the grid itself...it's announcing an unpaid presentation of how to make the grid work for you...

The text is: "Please join us for a presentation on getting ready to GRID $$$ Get Rolling In the Dough $$$. We want to share some tips on how you can make this happen. Participation is voluntary and to be done on your time. If you are scheduled to work during the presentation hours, please feel free to flex your hours around it. Just notify your TSM that you intend to do this."

There's an attachment with the text of the presentation

omg! - sm

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For a number of reasons, this just sickens me. For one, "Get Rolling in the Dough"? SERIOUSLY? Secondly, OF COURSE WE ARE NOT PAID for the presentation. Third, they act like they are doing us some favor with "please feel free to flex your hours around it". Oh wow, that is SO generous, thanks. JUST PAY US A DECENT WAGE FOR OUR SKILLS AND **STOP** MAKING OUR PAY CONTINGENT UPON GAMES AND JUMPING HOOPS AND TRYING TO MAKE US THINK IT IS **OUR** FAULT WE ARE NOT MAKING ANY MONEY. This NONSENSE of pretending there is an opportunity to make more money is nothing more than FALSE HOPE--that's all it is. God I hate Nuance!
Condescending - Mscuedawg
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...that is precisely how I felt when I read this the other day at the end of my shift. I let it sit for a few days and re-read it today when I was told that we've lost so many employees. Wonder why?

I hit 100% quality the other day...but was still at 8 cpl b/c I didn't type 300 lph. My cpl is LESS than what I started at a little over a year ago.

And then this "presentation" comes thru talking of MUP - - "We don't want MUP (make up pay "That is the amount Nuance has to contribute to your paycheck so that you are making your state-required minimum wage."). If you receive MUP you are only making minimum wage and could make as much money working flipping burgers at the local McDonald's. It's time we started making money like the professionals that we are."

And the next few pages are "tips" on how to improve your time, quality, etc. Like..."Work with 2 monitors. This saves time toggling between your report and information you are looking up"
Did it actually have that comment about McDonald's? - they are unreal! nm
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I copied it...get ready for it... - Mscuedawg
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I really, really, really want to see that email - Fedup
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I didn't get that email either, but I really, really want to see it.

I work the Bayscribe platform and never got this email. - Maybe they

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felt there was no chance we'd ever get rolling in any dough with the Bayscribe grid, so what's the point, screw us. LOL
bayscribe - top out
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We top out at 8 cpl on Bayscribe, realistically. Unless of course we type over 300 lph with everything else perfect. Yeah, I'm sure that's why Bayscribe folks didn't get this email. There's absolutely no way, even for them, to pretty it up to make it seem obtainable. How 'bout they start treating us like the professionals that we are? I mean, seriously, in what profession does one's paycheck vary depending on "mistakes"? Let's start right there, Nuance. It's incredibly unprofessional of you to steal from your employees. Criticize fast food all you want Big N, but if I burned a burger or over-salted fries, I'd still know exactly what I was making per hour. Because we are human, and humans occasionally make non-life-threatening mistakes. At that fast food restaurant, I'd punch in to start my shift, punch in/out for a break (possibly even actually a paid break!), and punch out at the end of my shift. I wouldn't be punching in, punching out...oh, shoot...do I stay punched in for 15 minutes and check work thereby decreasing my pay due to decreased lph, or do I flex and hope for the best in an hour? 2 hours? 11 pm? 6 am? Let me pour through the bazillion emails (unpaid work) to find out the changes to the changes to the changes to the changes for OOW protocol. Professionals do not have their pay based on some grid with multiple variables that has now become some game-like, ridiculous acronym. Professionals get paid for their valuable skills and knowledge, consistently and fairly, with bonuses when earned and raises as deserved.
Your response is EXACTLY why I created this thread! - Mscuedawg
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You took the words out of my brain...I have no "contacts" of fellow employees on my Spark that I felt comfortable asking the question.

The mere fact we went from making a set cpl rate to a MUCH higher rate only for it to be "re-calculated" to almost HALF - AND less than starting - burns me.

The fact that QC (QA? I can't keep up with their acronyms...altho MUP might be my new favorite) must be under a similar gun because I was losing points for not hearing the doctor say/or hearing the doctor say "'The' patient" versus "Patient". What does THAT have to do with patient safety??? NOTHING!!!

I usually have a high BS tolerance...but it's getting tapped out real quick...
Bayscribe - top out - runasfastasyoucan
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I'm QC, we were put on a grid where we will never make more than minimum wage ever. We have to do full reads on all reports and yes if patient was dictated but the patient was typed we have to remove it. Why? Because if not, we get the error for added/omitted word. If it is an 84-year-old woman and a 84-year-old woman was typed, we better fix it because we get that ding on us too by QA who do the post audits. We will never make more than 8 cpl and will always get MUP for minimum wage. My last 2 pay checks since this went into effect were both less than $500.00 each. Is that sickening enough, $250.00 a week? We are OOW constantly but amazingly enough had well into the hundreds of jobs prior to the grid starting. Now, we have tens of jobs if we are lucky, usually less than 10 jobs to split among 11 or so of us. We sit and stare at the screen, punch in and out. While we are waiting for work though, have found it to be an excellent time to fill out applications on their time ;-)
It actually tops out at 10.5 cpl if you're over 300 and perfect, - not that that happens. Agree with every word you
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The only ones who will ever be "rolling in dough" - are CEOs & management, not MTs.

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I'd rather skip it and just watch cartoons. Far more educational.

what e-mail? are they changing the grid again? - i have received no e-mails

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pertaining to the grid since the big blow up in march?

See above reply nm - Mscuedawg

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OIC now .... but when did you get this e-mail? - i still have not received anything?

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6/23/15 n/m - Mscuedawg
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Get Rolling In The dough - seriously?

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Who comes up with this cutesy BS? We are rolling in YOUR BS. It is downright sickening so JUST STOP IT!!!

So angry - SM

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I didn't get this email, but I got something similar for a Boost class, "Compensation Boost." What a bunch of @@@@. It makes me angry, like they're mocking us, laughing at us, seeing how much we will put up with. Like last week when TSM thought very low volumes were fantastic. They seriously do not want us making more money and there seriously is not even enough work as it is. I can't wait to leave this joke of a company.

They Don't Really Want That - Meh

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They don't really want us rolling in the dough. That statement is equivalent to cracking the whip to "motivate" us. As soon as we do start rolling in the dough, then they will have to start making changes again, maybe by changing their pay system.

I couldn't believe it when I got that email - Incredulous

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I had to think it was from someone who was either...
A. Just plain stupid
B. Out of touch with their own employees
C. Someone so maliciously evil that they delight in rubbing our noses in this excrement
D. Someone with no moral fiber or character whatsoever who will agree with and do whatever their supervisors tell them to do no matter how insulting and demeaning to us.

Pick any one of the above, they are all valid. We are being supervised my morons.

Insulted, patronized. List goes on. They pay someone - to think this stuff up. Unbelievable.

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