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100% FIESA review demand - Say what?

Posted: Jun 12, 2015

You WILL check your FIESA alerts and you WILL do it now. We WON'T pay you for your time and we WON'T care that your unpaid efforts will result in a decrease in your already abysmal pay. Just DO it. Yeah--right. I'm gonna respond to THAT request--not.

and who sent you that message - all smiles

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Someone for management or your TSM sent you that message?

TSM-I paraphrased it, of course! Thx for asking, - Smiley :-) nm

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they keep trying - nm

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I can't get an answer as to why this needs - to be done

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So I'm not doing it either.

I get so angry I invariably write a nasty to the QA person that docked my pay, then they in turn get mad at me for reminding them of their part in doing the dirty work (poor widdle them, it's not their fault, why are we making them feel so bad?) and they complain to my TSM about me. So why must we do this?

Maybe that would be some way to make a chink in the armor of the wage theft that Nuance is perpetrating. Can they force us to do FIESA without compensation for time spent (and stress and health issues due to rising blood pressure and depression) doing this highly onerous task of "accepting" our "grievous" errors, when after all our acceptance appears to make absolutely no difference to our pay or anything?

They take those points off and that money off whether you agree or not, you can spend hours fighting it only for them to say no reversal, time and again.

FIESA is just rubbing our noses in innocent mistakes and no matter how great an MT you are, you will make those mistakes. We are not "learning" anything, except that Nuance is using FIESA not to improve transcription but to improve their profits off our backs.

BS on that. They will take that money off us whether we sign that box that we accept it or not. I accept I made an error, I do NOT accept they should have the right to dock my pay for same.

Agree completely - SM

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I just look at my emails to see what my errors are. What's the point of going into FIESA? Waste of time. TSM seems to be real anxious that we sign off. Wonder why.

I don't think they can fire you for not - signing off

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Or it would be in the manual, which it is not.

I have in the past given in after a few of those type emails, but this time I will wait for some clear instruction as to why this is necessary or maybe even an honest request and explanation (I wouldn't want to get my TSM's pay docked, for example).

I do realize QA is doing their job, but is it me or are they really looking lately to get points off us, and are they almost always inflating the errors?

I have gotten some outrageously overblown errors within the last few months, some of which I have gotten reduced, but that really annoys me more than anything. Guilty until proven innocent again, and it's all on us to fight for it.

If QA are so brilliant and so much more knowledgeable than us, why can't they put the minor errors in the correct (low points off) categories. In my experience they are beefing up the points off and blatantly trying to make every error into a bigger error which really doesn't fit, and maybe hoping we don't notice? Or something? Why would that be?

My guess is they are being incentivized somehow to do that OR they are being penalized for not getting enough points off (that sounds more like Nuance - always the stick, never the carrot), or maybe even they are told to target some of us, and if that's the case they deserve to get chastised over it. If they are not, then why would they try to take extra points off, honestly?

We will never know I guess, but there is something going on and it's not good.
inflating errors by QA - all smiles
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Doubt that it is intentional.

I suspect it is the way the errors show up on the drop-down menu. Highest points first to lowest points last. As soon as they find the right category, I suspect they just click and send without searching further down the menu for the appropriate point value.

I think the menu was intentionally set up that way by N because it is human nature/behavior to stop when you think you have the right choice and not bother to read the other choices.

Happens with multiple choice tests in college where 2 or 3 choices are 'right' but one is 'more right' than another and your job is to pick the 'most right' amongst the choices.

Saw a lot of classmates get screwed royally by choosing the first 'correct' answer they came to without reading the rest.
I can't agree with that analysis, since by now - QA have to know how much it costs us
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Why would they be careless when they have to know it would mean a big chunk of change off our paychecks?

They're not the ones getting screwed royally if they over-inflate our errors, we are. Do they even get their hand slapped if they get a reversal for that?

I do think it is intentional. I have to give them the benefit of the doubt and guess that they are being played in some fashion by Nuance too.

These errors are ultimately our paychecks they're playing with, and even I wouldn't think QA would be careless about someone else's paycheck. That would be inhuman.
Almost robotic - smh
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QA knows what they're doing, and many hate the awful role they're playing in this Nuance drama. The so-called QA program has been revamped to the point that the majority of errors, no matter how inconsequential they are in the real patient-care world, are critical 3 pointers in Nuance's world. They have a reference list created from their own reversals that they cite to justify their scoring criteria (yes, circular reasoning). They are working hard to make every possibility fit into a nice, neat box, which of course is not feasible when dealing with human beings dictating in vastly different patient-care situations. Does this QA program help patient care? No. It's to help make the QA process simpler as eliminating gray areas will ultimately make the QA process programmable. This process also helps the company's bottom line since QA scores are tied directly to MT pay. Is it working? No. MTs and QCs are caught in a catch-22. If they leave a blank because they can't hear or don't know something they risk the idiotic 10% QC limit. If they fill in the info they might be hearing to avoid the 10% they risk poor QA, both of which decrease their pay. The only thing that's working is the company is forcing a mass exodus of their work force who are tired of the games. If that was the company's goal, that is working.
A reference list created from - their own reversals
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That they cite to justify their scoring criteria? Hmmm.

Are you making reference to MT unsuccessful reversals (in favor of the QA)?

If that is what you mean it sounds like basically if we are unsuccessful in a reversal they then turn around and say, well, since the error was not reversed I must be right so I can do it to every instance of this I come across?

Sounds suspiciously like that HEENT ("corrected" to HENT with 1 point off on post audit) bogus error they were pulling a while back. I notice they stopped that though. Wonder what happened there?

Interesting to think they could possibly be intending to attempt to automate QA as well. That cannot end well, although I imagine it would be better than non-English speaking or ESL QA, from what I have heard.

Kind of depressing to think even QA aren't getting anything out of this error-inflating/salary-deflating of MTs, you would think to have to do such an odious job they would at least make bank.

Obviously, they want you to sign off very badly. I could only - imagine it covers Nuisance legally SM

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in some way, under their convoluted and "blanked" up rules. That part makese sense, TSMs are pushing MTs to do whatever management tells them to tell you, which is admit your own "guilt" by signing off on this garbage, which then covers them in some way. Logical reasoning they're going to do everything they can to protect themselves and let the MT lay in the ditch when all is said and done.
Good point...didn't think of that. nm - Too bad, so sad
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check fiesa now - all smiles

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Well, if you TSM actually put in the e-mail that you must check FIESA and that you will not get paid for it, I'd keep 100 copies of that e-mail if I were you.

TSM didn't actually say that--just my irritated sarcasm - Sorry for the confusion! nm

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