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having one of those days...DQS guidelines - kcmt

Posted: Feb 24, 2015

It's only Tuesday and I am ready for my days off.  Can someone please tell me how to get a copy of the DQS guidelines/MModal transcription guide or whatever it is called?  I think I deleted it from my desktop. 


Thanks in advance!

Go to the part of Fluency - that you take your

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line count from. On the left side under Statistics there is a heading that reads Documents. Click on that then click on Editor guidelines. Once it opens you can chose the save as under the file tab (top left), or you can click on the picture of the floppy disk (also left I think) and it will save it to your hard drive under documents.

Go to MModal InnerCircle - JustMe

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Once you're on the site, hover your mouse over Resources so you see the drop-down menu and click on HDS Center. You'll see a + sign next to HDS Center which you need to click on so you can see the subsections below it. Click on Quality. There, you'll find the DQS Guidelines, the TSG, Error Definitions and Weights, and other helpful documents which you can download. The HDS Center is the first place to look for most documents which affect us. Another subsection there is Policies & Guides where you can find all of the policies for Downtime, Work Availability, etc.

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