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Why do I feel more and more incompetent? - poodlepassion

Posted: Nov 24, 2009

I have 20+ years' experience as an MT, 8 more years as a nurse before that, consider myself a reasonably intelligent person, yet I feel like I'm struggling more and more just to do this job.  I had the most horrific dictators today with the worst ASR, one after the other.  It felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders as I slumped in my chair trying to get the jobs done.  I just could not understand those Indian doctors.  Stutterers.  Clanging background hospital sounds.  All sorts of different Indian dialects seemingly all with jaws wired shut.  When I read over all the blanks I left for QA, they actually got most of the what I just could not hear.  Are our Indian ESL reports being sent to India for them to decipher their dictation now?

incompetent - BOMT

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I used to feel the same way until my sup. told me QA has access to old reports. I've worked for companies before where you could access old reports of the patient or doctor. I remember being able to fill in quite a few blanks just being able to look at an old record for that patient, such as clarifying their medications, etc.

Feeling incompetent - Stumped

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I have days like that too. After the second or third report, I may as well quit for the day. I think I get so frustrated, I get to the point where I start not hearing anything.

Besides being able to look at old reports, you have to remember that QA can jump from word to word and not have to sit through the long pauses, IV alarms going off, the turning of pages and clicking sounds as the dictator uses the computer, all of those things that have added to your frustration before you even get to the word you can't hear. That makes a HUGE difference.

Try to relax and let tomorrow be another day. Although I get those days fairly often, I rarely get them two days in a row!

Good luck and have a better day tomorrow!

QA most likely hears these bad dictators quite frequently which - dd

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would help explain filling in the blanks. They ought to give these reports to QA to transcribe.

frustration makes your ears stop working - noone

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Believe me when I say we get enough reports of our own to transcribe now being MMEs and QA only get 3cpl to fill in blanks with or without samples which take plenty of time to find. As one poster said it does help when you aren't the one sitting listening to all the mish mash, jumping to the blanks helps. Also when transcribing myself I find that leaving the QA markers and then going back and jumping to them again I am often able to fill them in before uploading.

Not incompetent - shipwrecked

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I have lots of those days too. Don't feel incompetent - that's what they want you to feel, so they can justify the low pay and not giving raises.

I often wonder as we're struggling with ESLs, if our Indian partners are struggling with English ASR.

Besides feeling perpetually incompetent, I can add depression to the list - as today is payday and my paycheck is barely minimum wage, as usual.

I feel exactly how you do and here is what I... - sm

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did. I complained to my CTL who was very good and responded promptly. I fussed about all the lousy dictators, the bad sound quality, the QA blanks being filled in when there was so much background noise I couldn't even hear the dictator talking. She said it's not my "ears", it's that for some reason my dictation doesn't get sent through some speakers (woofers she thought) and what I hear is less clear than what other MTs/MEs hear and there's nothing I can do about it. Great! I know this won't help you but it helped me not to stress so much about all my blanks. If I get put on performance management because of too many QA markers, so be it. I have all my emails from the CTL who talked with my CCM and the QTL who all agreed with the explanation she gave me. I'll just send them those if I get called on the carpet for too many QA markers. Good luck!

your'e kidding - you believed that ? - NM

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Made up BS - tech

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I can tell you, that is just a made-up excuse. MQ will tell you anything.

Yeah, sounds like a case of buying their own BS and each other's. LOL nm - dd

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Totally made up BS! - whatalaugh

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That makes no sense at all!

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