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Incompetent QA-What to do? - Grumpy

Posted: May 09, 2012

I've been with MModal for just a little bit now after being outsourced.  I keep getting conflicting QA's.  Per the instructions I have on the system, I typed cranial nerves 2 through 12.  It comes back QA'ed with roman numerals.  So, I started typing roman numerals.  Comes back QA'ed as arabic.

Left a patient's sister's proper name out.  MT style guide said replace it with "patient's sister".  QA sticks the name back in. 

Expand all disease processes in impression/plan, and they expand labs and equipment or condense it back to an acronym.  

I have e-mailed my supposed QA coach with these discrepancies and asked her to advise..... and I get total cyber silence (can you hear the crickets chirping?).  It's getting very frustrating, as I really don't mind HOW they want me to type it, but I do need consistency.  There's no way I can transcribe based on which QA person I think is working that morning (even though I've halfway thought about trying it). 

Do you guys have any suggestions?   Since we're still on 100% QA, the only thing I can think to do is to put QA markers by cranial nerves and in the QA box, point out why I have typed it that way and refer to the page, etc.  But I know they'll probably love that and I'm sure it will put a target on my back.   Is the QA coach the only way to get anything done with QA?

Here's What To Do - Old QA/MT

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First up in terms of how to do something is the Client Profile. Next up is the MModal Transcription Guidelines (AKA MedQuist...), next up is AAMT (or whatever they want to call it.

If it's NOT in the client profile, you use the MModal Transcription Style Guidelines.

You can't go wrong there. Just ignore what QA is doing if you know you are following the above guidelines.

Any exceptions will be in the Client Profile. And nobody in their right mind would mark you off an audit for 2-12 vs II-XII unless the dang client has a preference.

If you know you're doing the right thing - Just ignore it

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There are some MMEs who don't update their knowledge of the new rules that change constantly, some who don't care, some who like to mark up someone's report, and others that have a personal preference and think they are right. These are the reasons why an MME(QA)'s ability to actually grade reports was taken away from them. In any case, what they mark is feedback only and doesn't count against you. If you have researched and know you are correct, then you have nothing to worry about. The higher-ups see what changes are made to a report on any level, so if the MME is wrong, it goes to them, not you.

Personally, as an MME, unless it's an obvious error (misspelling, omission, etc.), I copy and paste the rule that I am following into the feedback and where I got it from. This eliminates a lot of confusion.


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Here's the deal with MMODAL QA - most likely you QA is coming from India, they do not known the difference between arterial and aerial - GO FIGURE??????
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On another note, when the transition is made over to Nuance, you will have QA done by educated QA people who are extremely helpful in teaching you and you also have access to account specifics and Nuance specifics as well that will help tremendously. Much better company :)
Transition - Want To Know
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What transition over to Nuance?
yea right - never happen
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It will never happen. Maybe Nuance will merge into MModal, but never the other way around.

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