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Incompetent MT - frustratedMT

Posted: Aug 15, 2012

I always felt I was good MT until I went to work here. Never had any complaints. Now, constant bad scores from QA and working my butt off to do a good job. I have been a transcriptionist for  20 years and worked for many companies including hospitals and this is about as bad as it can get. Maybe should try a new field, but at my age, not sure I can.

If it helps, you aren't alone - anon

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I have been doing this for 15+ years and always had fantastic QA scores and praise from QA. I also worked QA for 2 different companies and always did well on my scores with that as well.

Suddenly I get a job at Nuance and get scores lower than when I was first starting as an MT??? Of course, they aren't "real" mistakes, it is always commas or not adding "the" or "he/she." It is beyond frustrating to get a 1.0 error score for not putting "he" when it is implied and unecessary. When I was QA we reserved 1.0 errors for big omissions, not pronouns. We also never gave "double" errors when an MT missed the same word or phrase in a document, it was counted as only 1 error, but not Nuance, oh heck no. If they could get you down to a negative score on a report they would do it.

You know QA/QC at Nuance are apparently not eligible for bonuses themselves, so maybe the jerk QAs who are doing this are just ticked and want to make sure no one gets a bonus since they can't. More a personal vendetta by a petty person than a consipiracy by the company.

Overall I have no problem with Nuance but QA/QC is pretty close to a deal breaker for me.

Same boat here, different company. I've been - an MT since 1975, in all sorts - sm

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of positions: in-house, at home, hospital, walk-in clinic, MTSO. Always had good production and good QA til I came to this scummy company. Now nothing but so-called "mistake" writeups from QA, production minimums are always pushed higher and higher, out of reach. I was an employee of a company this larger one bought, so most likely nothing I do will ever be "good enough" for them. They want me to quit. Sorry, not happening. I want my Unemployment, gonna hold out til I get it.

Unemployment - frustrated MT

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If they fire you, can you get UE? I do not want to quit, but have a lot on my plate besides this and it is stressing me to the point of having a nervous breakdown.
I believe you could get UE. - sm
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You are paying into it, right? You're not an independent contractor?
Sure you can! s/m - mt
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I was fired last fall after working 14 flippin years for a company. All the extras I did, covering weekends, working longer days, taking jobs everyone else skipped over, didn't make a difference. I was fired for "rarely doing difficult dictators." EXCUSE ME? How the hell can you tell me what is difficult to me??????????? So I did not respond to the email, simply went to UE and filed. Got my UE which was sweet! Then I worried I may never get a job so I took the first job offered to me which was a mistake.
UE - Oldie but goodie
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Yes you can get unemployment if you are fired. Happened to me. And hearing the comments about the Nuance issues just warms my heart! I was one of those QAs and believe it or not....WE were audited just like the MTs...we had to have a 99.5% score or get written up. The line counts we had to meet were overboard. I about had a nervous breakdown from the place.

QA/QC - frustrated MT

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I always had great scores until coming here and it has all been happening lately. I can not prove it, but am sure that at times they are changing my document so they can give me errors. I have complained and then things just get worse. I always had high scores working in a hospital setting, even had no trouble when I worked at Medquist, which I might add, has a better setup for everything. You do not have to sign in to a multitude of different settings to get different things such as line count, correction report and you do not have to have 15-25 pages of account specs to go to another account. I personally like variety and print out all my accounts specs, but that is ridiculous. I was considered a top MT at the last hospital I worked for. This is humiliating to say the least.

can't prove they make changes either... - although I am sure they do

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While they will argue up and down that they do not make changes and the only proof you would have of that is if you could save each and every document that you do, which if somebody knows how to do this I would love to know how. I have too complained about my suddenly horrible QA, all the sudden I am missing critical errors and my favorite misspelling medications, which spell check picks up and would highlight in bright red and you can't submit until you fix it, nonetheless I am said to be doing all these things now. I am not new, seasoned with years on my shoulders and last week was put on non-dsp status. What an insult!! This came off the heels of me complaining about my QA. The vast majority of my errors are for account spec errors, not even content errors, but now this part is not verbat, this part isn't either and nope this isn't either, but it is to be all verbat. um which part would be again???
complaining about QA - frustrated MT
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This is what happened to me also. My husband was trying to show me a way to save the documents, but apparently my computers do not have the same feature his does. I am to the point where I am even afraid to type any more. I have been at this for a long, long time. I really appreciate your post as I do feel they can and do change things.

They change the rules for each report it seems. - anon

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It really does feel as if it is deliberate.

Since when do we put header information into the body of the report (I'm not talking about date of service)?

How are we to know? It isn't in the specs and it isn't in the MT instructions. How are we supposed to know what mood the QA or QC will be in that day. Do we include the date of birth or dictating physician, etc. I mean after all it was dictated and it is a verbatim account.

So many instructions with so LITTLE information. The reorganization this company needs is in how they disseminate information.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get too. - anon
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We get very large deductions for things that are not CLEARLY DELINEATED in the account instructions. If it is not CLEARLY expressed within the instructions, they should not be allowed to do this.

This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. But I guess they take care of that by targeting anyone who complains.

Every time I have to deal with QA/QC I need a sedative and a big box of tissue. It is beyond unfair, in fact, it is a deliberate setup for failure.
angry at QA/QC - mt20years
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Been there, done that with QA/QC. What I don't understand is why they set people up for failure. Why would any company do that OTHER THAN THE BOTTOM LINE BEING THAT IT IS SAVING THEM MONEY to fail us.

As for the problem ever being addressed, I dont think its going to happen.

I happened to make incentive this 3 months, but before that I was failed for really minor things. And my point is, I have not changed the way I edit. So what does that tell you?
I havn't changed anything either - and I ended up on non-dsp
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Anon is right...it does change by report by whatever mood somebody is in. There are things that I was marked major points off on account specs last month that were not in the specs until the new specs came out this week. So is that fair for me to be marked off on something that wasn't even in the specs until recently, no, but nonetheless, I am b/c I am a horrible, incompetent MT. Only I'm not! When you get a message on your QA that this is now what QA and TLs want, well why not share the news and let the rest of us know, instead it gives them a reason to mark us off. I don't remember all the dictations I do a night, but there are some that stand out nightly for the horror they cause. When you see those in your QA and know for a fact you didn't put that in there, what do you do...you can't prove it b/c I can't save it. It only saves on my computer if the internet would go in and out or electric shut off, then it would save. I do feel as the frustrated MT above, I sit here "scared" to actually do my job when I have been doing this for years upon years. Nobody should feel like that and to be put back on non DSP status is such a horrible feeling.
Used to be standard - anon
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that if it wasn't in the specs for us to actually SEE then we could not be marked off, simply informed.

Would it kill them to simply inform us of a change rather than give us a 1.0 or higher error.

The fact is the QA at Nuance is grossly unfair. We are given errors for not being able to READ MINDS.

If it isn't in the specs, there should be no way they can give us an error for it.

This fact alone lends greater evidence to the case they are deliberately setting us up to fail.
The way I handle this is..... - mt
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I totally ignore it. I never look at FIESA. I just log on, work, log off. Do my 8 hours and that's it. You are never going to be right by the QA/QC so why make yourself sick over it? I used to get so upset I started taking my husband's Xanax just to work. Now that's ridiculous. So....I ignore everything. I'm job hunting in the meantime. Even cashiering at the grocery store is sounding better than this crap.
Same here - chest pain went away when I stopped looking at it. - FIESA SHMIESA
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MOVE ON - Molly

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I am 70-years-old, being doing this 35 years. I too worked for Transcend. Suddenly I can do no right and QA always has me just below the 98%. Finally I was asked if I would resign or basically they were going to fire me. I put in a resume with a company, was called the next day and could not be happier with this company that does only actual transcription. Never think your to old, not in this line of work. I was with Transcend for 6 years and only had this QA story this past year.

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