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What if I forget - just thinking

Posted: Sep 08, 2010

How long do you think I can get away with "forgetting" to do the 6.1 upgrade?  haha!  I've taken the video classes and have the codes, but I've been reading so many horrible things that I don't want to use it until the weekend, when I have time to "play" with it.  What do you think? 

duh - just me

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I'm thinking I wished I had "forgot" to upgrade!

From experience - anon

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on other upgrades, it would "remind" me one day before I could log on to DocQScribe.

You are right, then you spend half the day - Been there

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upgrading and learning and not getting any downtime pay for it because waited too long, not to mention not getting any lines in...best to do it now with all the problems they are having with it and MAYBE get some paid downtime? JMHO

Don't hold your breath on the downtime - Old part-timer

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The only time I EVER got paid downtime from MQ was 03/11/2008 when their entire system crashed for 2 full days. And even then, they only paid a maximum 4 hours a day for anyone.
i submitted request for Downtime.. - Not my fault their system dont work
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Just submit your request to CCM with times unable to work due to their SYSTEM UPGRADE NOT WORKING
Must depend on CCM, - Been there
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because I have been paid downtime a few times in the past for system glitches (up to 1-1/2 hours) and, most recently, when computer fan went out on MQ computer and I was not able to work for 2 days and got paid downtime for the entire 2 days. The CCM's seem to go by their own rules I guess.

I'm "forgetting" to upgrade too - Old part-timer

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I've been through this before and intend to keep working the old way until I can no longer sign on or I get a phone call telling me I MUST do it now. I figure by that time, Support will have caught up on everyone and if I have trouble, they'll probably have run across my problem (and hopefully the "fix") before and can get me up and running quickly.

I'm a bit worried about the people who claim to have lost their expansions. I'm going to try to figure out how to save them before I let the old system go.

re: Old pt - stubborn and old

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I am also "forgetting". I have never been too computer saavy and each and every "upgrade" puts me through the ringer.

I need a stunt double for some of the new applications!

I had to get help just to watch the tutorials! - Old part-timer

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I got a message that I was missing a "CODEC" and had to wait until my son could come over and get that straightened out, which certainly doesn't bode well for how my "upgrade" is going to go.

The whole CODEC thing wasn't easy to find either! It took my son (who IS computer savvy) about 20 minutes just to fix that!

Me too! - Angelina
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I'm getting the same message. I'm going to have call support about it. I'm just sooo looking forward to that. (that's sarcastic in case it doesn't come across, lol)
CODEC's - derp
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A CODEC is just a way of encoding data. When you play MP3s, MP3 is a music CODEC, and your player knows how to decode the file to make music happen. There's LOTS of music codecs: OGG, ACC, MP3, WAV... There are a lot of codecs for videos, too: WVA, MP4, AVI, QT. Sounds like your player just didn't have the version needed to play the videos, which is why your son had to install the new codec.

For saving expansions - JPT

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See post a ways down "Here you go-JPT" under "Frustrated's" post for saving expansions to flash drive.

forgetting to upgrade - Working MT

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I didn't at first "forget," but just didnt have time over the holiday weekend and I really could have cared less about winning a TV, now I am sooo glade I did not do it yet. I am hoping that they are going to pull it after a week of everyone having problems and tell us to go back to the old version. Just like they told us the Swap Board was going to make our lives sooo much easier, we still have not and I don't think will ever implement it. With everyone having NJA all the time there wasn't enough Swap Board room for anyone to be even able to figure out when to work. I am notupgrading until forced to after reading everything on here.

email from CCM today with directions to go back to old DocQscribe - NJA Queen

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Apparently more people cannot work with the new system and support is backed up so until support can get people working on the new system she gave directions to install the old version. Does anyone feel like doing an "I told you so" dance? This is what happens when you lay off the good tech people and get rent-a-techs from India (just kidding, don't know where they are from).

Unfortunately I had no problem downloading the new version and I had support tweak my settings to run faster so I must be one of the few actually working on the new system. I wish I would have waited though. Darn!

Running faster - Wanna Get Tweaked Too

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The physician look up is slower on mine. Did you put in a QCare ticket to get tweaked? hehehe...that sounds so funny

had them on the phone anyway - NJA Queen

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I was in the middle of a long ASR report about a week ago and my computer froze- the voice would play without my foot on the pedal, I just kept getting the hourglass telling me to wait. I was in tears and ready to quit and called in for help so I could finish the report. Support was able to remote in to my computer and change some settings to help it run faster. Its worth a try- just tell them you need help with your settings to get your computer running at optimum performance :)

What if I Forgot? - spitfire78

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I put in a ticket yesterday because I could not get into the screen to view the video portion. Was told not to worry about it because they have a "blanket ticket" due to all of the problems associated with 6.1. Just to keep working on the old one. Told him I'd be happy to comply with that.

Queen...do you know which settings...sm - Tink

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...they ended up tweaking on your system to get it to run faster? I know mine system has seemed really bogged down and slow running 6.1, but I hadn't thought to put in a ticket about it (I haven't had the best of results when putting in tickets about DQS problems). If you knew kind of what they messed with, I might tinker with stuff on my own. Thanks in advance for any info you might have!! =)

Under internet tools, options, advanced tab - NJA Queen

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first of all he deleted all cookies, temp files and history. Then I I know he messed around under the advanced tab and clicked or unclicked a few things that makes everything look a little different, but it definitely runs faster. Sorry I cannot be more help. I looked at the email support sent and all it says is "adjusted Windows for Best Performance."
A friend once told me you should delete cookies and - L&L
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and history at least once a week.

Support "tweaked" my computer also and now - Just passing through

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running 6.1 without any problems. Speed pretty much the same as before 6.1. I think they turned off some unnecessary start-up programs that were running in the background and deleted internet cookies and temp files. He went into files, I have no idea how he got to them, and deleted or turned off some things. Thank goodness it is MQ computer and not my own!!

Forgot to say - Just passing through

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I called support, did not use QCare, because I could not work due to the bogging down of system. This was when they first told us to download 6.1 and probably not that many people calling, so got help right away. Now I think they are overwhelmed.

old system - shel

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can you tell me how to download the old version, specifically where to find it? my ccm told me i could do that as well - as mine still is not working.

Not in India - derp

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Norcross, GA and Malvern, United Kingdom.

Ditto for me, also forgetting - hehehe - Just Sayin NM

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