A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

So what's gonna happen to all the MME's? - CA-MT

Posted: Mar 03, 2010

Has anyone heard, been given notice, going back to MT'ing??

We are MTs and MEs. Very little QA work comes my way. - I mostly just type now.

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We just won't get any QA work, just the same as the rest of the employees. Oh, the title will go soon, too, and we will just go on typing.

Right now, there is no difference at all, hardly at all between a regular MT and an MME.

90% of my shift now is straight typing. That's it. I guess I am still an MME. I get a rare QA job though.

Only QA I get - is the new folks and the ILP reports

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ILP REPORTS - calgal

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What do the ILP reports you get look like?
ILP reports - MME
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Well . . . usually the errors are English or simple errors. A lot of errors are still in report even though it has gone through two QAs and an MT before it hits the US MME. Frustrating more than anything!
ILP reports - sick and tired
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And all this is still LESS than it would pay us to do it correctly?

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