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Cannot use word expanders in Red Line headings. - plus spell check does not pick up errors

Posted: Oct 18, 2010

So clearly..this is now part of ADT info and we are no longer paid for those keystrokes.

plus..I guess I will throw in my 2 cents re: physician look-up.  I cannot believe they did this.  And who ever does not notice the change or recognize the detriment in providing good info in the report, clearly did not use the previous physician look-up to its advantage.  How in the world not having the entire name populate or as you type in the name, have the docs pop up is beyond me.  This has nothing to do with HIPPA.  This is not patient info, this is simply a roster of physician names. 

Once again..over copratizing a program that was just fine before. 

The ONLY added benefit is the line numbering...that is it.  Every other change has been obvoiusly for some benefit for corporate.  Once again. 

Agree. Also noticed that the capitalization - Just Sayin

[ In Reply To ..]
does not work the same after a period. used to be able to use backspace key and if it backed up to a period, it would capitalize. Now it won't do that. This upgrade actually hasn't benefited me one bit and is really more of a pain. I don't use the auto number feature as I suspect this will be the next thing they try to cut our pay with!

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