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Any companies left that has the "bill me later" option for electronic spellcheckers and bo - Broke

Posted: Oct 23, 2013

I recently started with a new company and my spellchecker disc is broken. Does anyone know of any company or website that lets you purchase these and bill you later? Years and years ago, Lippincott did this but now they don't. It was so helpful before. Are there any companies that do this anymore? Thanks for your help. I am broke but really need this for my job and it is several weeks before payday.

I don't know of any that do that - sm

[ In Reply To ..]

But maybe this free one could tide you over for a while?  I've never used it, so can't vouch for it, just bookmarked it for just in case when I saw it posted somewhere (maybe here?) once. 


There is an actual service called BILL ME LATER - Partner with Paypal

[ In Reply To ..]
If you can buy it via EBay you can easily get this service, otherwise you'd have to see if the BILL ME LATER website has merchants who sell the product you want.

BILL ME LATER saved my life! right down to buying DOG FOOD when my paycheck runs out.

Bill Me Later - greyhoundmom

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Please look at your e mail. I sent you a message.


Didn't get an email ? - try again?

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