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New to Transcend. Do they pay for the lines in canned text? Nomo - mt

Posted: Mar 13, 2010


Yes, as far as I can determine.... - CrankyOldBroadOnTheBeach

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My primary account hasn't got a lot of canned text that came with it--but I've created a lot of my own "inserts" (that's what they call "normals" in BeyondTXT) of my own--and my line counts are the same as they always were.

Hiring new MTs?? - RLee

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It simply amazes me that Transcend keeps hiring and has job ads on MT job boards for new accounts, etc when they currently have MTs complaining about not having enough work for their shifts and what not - I am an ex-Transcender and know this first hand. Keep the ones busy that you already have employed would make sense, right?

Too much work - --

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I am sorry you had a bad experience. Ever since the merger, I have had so much work. My accounts are bursting right now. One account is new and they are probably adding people to it, but for now it has unlimited work. Actually, I wish the volumes would come down a bit, so I would not feel so obligated to work extra.

See the post on the main board about how - TLs take work away from certain people

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Incompetents and whiners among them. Can't speak for any particular person's competence, but whining is another matter altogether. Does the shoe fit?

Read the posts Yourself !!!! - RLee

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No the shoe doesn't fit - I do not work there anymore - THANK GOD!!!! But it seems that nothing has changed at all since my departure - and if I am a "whiner" - then there are many in my shoes on this board - I am just expressing my opinion as everyone else, but unfortunately some Transcenders are expressing lack of work for various reasons. It is an ongoing issue - can you explain that??

no work available - old mt

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I have to agree that there is no work available. I don't limit myself on work types, I do them all, just there is no work available. But I know all the reports that have canned text are being ripped out from under my nose daily, probably by my team lead. If there are 3 jobs on the system to be transcribed they ask for more people to be added to the account. They must get paid by the number of people they supervise.

This is my experience too! - MDI/trans

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I have experienced the very same thing, and have had reports taken right out from under my nose daily. Everytime they ask for help there are only a few reports to be done, and these are quickly gone, which is why I wonder why they want everyone to jump on board so quickly! I feel good for the people who are getting work, but there are some of us that are downright miserable and I get depressed everytime I sign on and see that there is very little work and everyone is grabbing what they can, which is understandable..most of the work grabbed is always the easiest first.
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I agree!!
Thank you - MDI/trans
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Thanks for agreeing with me, sometimes I feel so very alone, as if I am the only one experiencing this, especially when others say they are overflowing with work..I just wonder whether they are already on BeyondTXT or still on Bayscribe. Again, thanks:)

Yes, they do pay for canned text, normals, etc. - You will have plenty of work

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as long as you don't limit yourself to certain specialities and/or WT. Those without work are usually in that category.

Sounds like the voice of a TL speaking - :smile - RLee

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Makes no difference - sorry - read many of the prior posts.

Nope. Not a TL. Just one down in the trenches who - has lots of work available.

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lots here too - love my job
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I have lots of work too; Escription platform and not a TL. Never been treated harshly; but I live by treating others how I want to be treated and have never had a problem.

RUN from this company, management treats employees like dogs - ME

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RUN from this company. They will make your life miserable.

Transcend - ME

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BEWARE!! The management of this company treat their employees lower than dogs. You deserve better!!

GROWF! - No dog here

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I guess I'm supposed to bark and growl, if I'm being treated like a dog....

If being paid in full, on time, having plenty of work, and management more or less staying out of my way makes me a dog, then....


ROFL !!!!! - rrrrrgggghhhhh!

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Well, one MT got fired and is not dealing well with it. She's a very good MT, but the stress f - ME
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Take a look again at this company. Not worth working for them. They are the dogs!!!
I am sure that you are right in your opinion..sm - rgghh
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I was only ROFL about how "no dog here" expressed her disagreement with "GROWF."
They are the dogs - I quit, too
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They would most likely be pit bulls or Dobermans with big jaws ready to take a bite out of MTs.
Fired - RLee
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O got fired as well for going 3 consecutive days in a row without production, not on my part, but by Transcend having too many MTs typing in my same pooling and my work pool being dried up everytime I checked it. So how could I produce when I was constantly looking at a blank screen. They are the dogs and only care about their as I call them "fat cats." Good luck to the MTs with tons of work, as it probably will not last long, it never does. Transcend I believe has made TAT into 5 minutes of being put into the system and call in their SWAT team to get work out that is less than an hour old - that is what the big joke is about this company. Just my opinion ---
I agree. One TL there must be blonde.. she doesn't follow people's schedules correctly. - ME
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I agree. One TL there must be an air head, as she fires if you work on your day off too.
Yes, they treat their MTs like Lassie, you got that right!! - ME
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Yep, that's right. They treat them like "lassie".

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