A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

MT week with gifts and ?recognition. - tiredmt

Posted: May 18, 2010

I'm wondering with all these little trinkets sent, or not....with all the little games throughout the week, why is it we don't hear a peep out in the "real world" about MT week?  It was established in 1985, but nowhere except on the AHDI website is it being promoted.  Type "national transcription week" in google and click pn search news, and the only things that come up are about how clients are trying to cut costs (usually by eliminating us).  Click on search the web, and the first thing is AHDI website.  The rest are us recognizing us. 

While I appreciate being appreciated (but am I really when everyone gets the same MTSO tax write-off as a gift and same canned letter?), I would really appreciate some POSITIVE changes for MTs during National Transcription Week more than some fake recognition.

all I want for MT week is plenty of work in my primary...period. nm - mt

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I would like the good accounts back from the Indians and - sm

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to be left alone to do my work without being micromanaged by a top-heavy corporation... A girl can dream...

I haven't seen work in my primary in over six months. Guess it's been given to a newbie. s - Sims

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Saw today's account update and my primary is heavy, but none there for me. Also noted several new accounts; guess those went to newbies, also. Why can't these MTSO's be up front and honest with us old timers? I think I would appreciate knowing the score more than some gift during MT week. Sorry I'm sour; been around too long.

All I want for MT week is accounts with people who actually can speak English - Old and Tired MT

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I am SO TIRED of being an INTERPRETER instead of an MT. I keep getting ESLs who can't speak English and yet we are supposed to turn out a quality report. We get emails stating that the "client is not happy with the quality" and that we "must listen more carefully to what is being dictated"-- well, how about some dictators who actually can speak English. I don't speak Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Vietnamese, Spanish or any other of a gazillion languages that are thrown at me every day, but yet if the "quality" isn't there, the MTs get blamed. How about the dictators taking some responsibility for the garbage that we are supplied with daily?

I hear that - less variety at the UN

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Yeah, we got told to "slow down and make sure his sentences make sense". To WHOM, pray tell? The dictator, who can't tell the difference between pleural and singular, or variations of a word? Or the ordering doc, who probably can't speak English any better? Obviously the patient will never read it - which is probably good, since they required an interpreter at the time of the exam. Maybe we can hope the insurance company will speak enough English to appreciate it before they throw it in the trash and claim they never received it!

AMEN SISTER - You said it!

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Real solid change, that is what we really need.

Hypocrisy and lies - patronizing emails

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I was happy with my MT week gift. So why did just I get a stupid rah-rah email that says "We want you to know that we support the tremendous value that you add to health information". That is a lie - or you would not be cutting our wages in half "to provide the most efficient and cost-effective solutions"! The only thing you VALUE is your ability to exploit us and make more money off our labor! WE know it, YOU know, EVERYBODY knows it. So why waste your time and mine emailing me a bunch of lies? "TREMENDOUS VALUE"? Who ARE you kidding? Put your money where your mouth is, lying suits! Pay us what we deserve instead of cutting our wages while claiming we have "value"!!!!

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. ...

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