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Large company sending your equipment next day - JohnLopresti

Posted: Nov 23, 2010

Does anyone know of a legal recourse for work injuries caused by company equipment?  A market leader, at-the-time generous transcription company sent me an old fashioned monitor, which after years of looking at it caused ocular saccades (lateral jitter of eyes).  Also, they downgraded to cheap earphones with a solenoid in them that thumped, decreasing hearing permanently, evidently, in the solenoid fitted side of the headset.

I think the saccades are diminished to absent now, but vision seems permanently affected.  Hearing in the impacted ear is about half the clarity it was at hire.

I see potential here for a protracted legalistic exercise yielding nothing in compensation, as, after ten years with the company, the damage has plateaued.

Still love those doctors, though; and the good transcription outfits who are kind, smart, and take care of both clients and employees.

proof - mymt

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Have you seen doctors all along documenting this and the supposed cause?

I know it's harder and harder to get carpal tunnel compensation, and unless you've kept excellent medical records, reported to the equipment provider in a timely fashion, etc, not sure what your recourse would be.

Hope you're feeling better!

are you kidding me - MT19+years

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10 years ago the company you work for provided you with equipment, which at that time was probably a bulky monitor because that is what was available, oh, and bad headphones - - so instead of helping yourself out, by buying yourself a better monitor as technology progressed or buying yourself better headphones which are not that expensive - - - - you are looking to file suit???

every profession comes with it's risks and benefits, some big some small - where does the responsibility of the employee to protect themselves begin?

19 years later, I do not have carpal tunnel, nor do I have eye, neck or back issues - why because I take common sense measures to protect my own self interest - my body!!!

what's next?? parents wanting to file for SS disability because the children they brought into this world caused them stress and anxiety?

I mean really... it's not like the old fashion monitor jumped off your desktop and smacked you in the head

Nahh, don't worry. Lopresti is known for constantly trying - to find ways to get money like this.

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I can only imagine what it would be like to be around the guy. He is a real diva! LOL

I thought - RLee

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maybe at first this was a jokester post!!!! I hope the medical problems can be solved, but other than that it gave me a laugh.

LOL - monitor jumped and smacked head - PedalPshr

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fricken hilarious! Thanks for the laugh

It's called workers' compensation - Happy MT Robin

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In most states there are filing deadlings from the time that you knew you had an injury - not necessarily from the date of the injury itself, but from the time you knew you had an injury - and that filing deadline is typically 30 days.

If this has been going on for years and you have not documented it with your employer, your SOOL. Also, as the other poster suggested, why did you not invest a little bit in your own welfare and buy some decent equipment of your own? It's tax deductible even if you're an employee.

Call one of the attorneys on TV...one may jump in! - AT

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Over 35 years now with different screens and lighting and NO ergonomics for this profession, we have constant ailments we have to wonder about. Yes, the eyes. Good for you who have had no problems. God also didn't create us equal, so because you are fine in one area, doesn't mean everyone is. Weight and exercise are a huge downside for transcribers. Typing to make minimum wages and long hours with no benefits cause many health risks. It is costly to come up with equipment money also when your paycheck goes to the bills and trying to make a comfortable living. If this just means a study to see how much eye damage and hearing is done in this profession...I support it. If he finds a class-action he would be helping us all. We need someone to care.

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