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Earned time pay - Just wondering

Posted: Dec 26, 2011

Is it customary to get paid a flat rate for earned time/vacation pay? I make on average $20-$25 per hour based on my line count but when I request earned time I am paid $12 per hour. When I first started with this company several years ago, their written policy which I was given had a complex system in which they figured out your earned time rate for a particular week by averaging the last four weeks...... That certainly has never been the way I have been paid for any earned time I have taken with this company and when I inquired about it with the manager she told me they pay flat rate of $12.  Even though I work only about 4 hours a day, if I want to take a day off I have to use 8 hours of earned time just to make the same daily rate. Just wondering if this is the usual practice or if this is not right.

Sounds like you are part time? Lucky you even have PTO. - anon

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Even your pay..20 to 25 dollars an hour? Surely not on VR at 4 cents and foreign doctors and accounts that want and don't want and only want 3 blanks. Lucky with the company they are giving you 12 dollars an hour even. Don't even make minimum wage, so we should be getting a better wage but instead we have to just be told we have a job. Plus PTO? You only get it from the big fat companies if you are full time and then you have to produce 24/7. And I THINK they only pay 10 dollars. Advertised as 10 dollars for training, but training was just 1 hour, then you were on your own, so you got your big 10 dollars...set the company back I am sure...wait they are #1.

Actually I am considered full time... - Just wondering

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As long as I meet my weekly line count requirements I am considered full time no matter how many hours it takes me to do it, and I usually work only about 4 hours a day. This really is a sweet account that I like and is straight transcribing, no VR and very little ESL. My only problem is that the policy manual which I received when I first started with this smaller company stated that PTO was calculated by averaging and it was very complicated by what I read. However, whenever I request PTO I am paid $12 per hour and it was only when I inquired with the manager was I told that they pay a flat rate and that most companies do this as well. I never received any written documentation that this was a policy change from their procedure manual which clearly states the averaging calculations for PTO. Like I said in my original post, for me to take a day off with pay I have to request 8 hours of PTO just to receive the same amount of $ as when I work only 4 hours which I really do not think is fair. I am just curious if I am being overly sensitive to this and this is the customary way things are done or if something is not right here.


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I always wanted a job like that. That would make me type twice as fast just to get out of there.

The way I see it, you've got it good. You only have to work 4 hours, but get 8 hours pay(by typing so fast) and since they don't make any rules that you have to work 8 hours to be considered full time they are just assuming that you are working 8 hours, (even if they know you are not) and you are getting the benefits as if you were working 8 hours, so when you request time off you have to take it the way they are assuming that you are working (even though they know you are not) but they are giving you the benefit of the doubt so to speak just because you are able to meet the line count for 8 hours. So I think you are getting a great deal. Because you are getting so much time off per week just by only working 4 hours per day. They are not holding you to doing 400 lines per hour, which it seems you must be doing or somewhere near there, so they are like just happy to have the work completed in 4 hours I would say. And you are happy to get up and go do something else at the end of 4 hours. Where do you work? LOL.

just wondering... - anon

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How fast do you type? You would have to type about 275/hour to make your 20-25/hour.

Your post has got me curious.

What am I doing wrong?

getting back to the subject, maybe they are calculating your PTO on 8 hours - and not the 4 you actually work. NM

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No way...$20-25/hour - anon

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Making $20-25 an hour 4 hours/day at MT work? That means you do VRE at least 600+ lines/hour.

I work 35 hours/week and my avg VR rate is 330-360 lines per hour. (350 lph x .045 cpl = $110.25 per day.)and let me tell ya, I have to BUST myself to do it and mostly its ESL. AND, it took me 6 years to get to this point!

Sorry, I don't believe you. Besides, who would ever pay anyone $20-25/hour for vacation? Sorry again, but as the world is falling apart around us, you make good money supposedly and you are complaining? Please, count your blessings, you are doing great!

It's not completely out of the question - Disgruntled MT

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Before my work was outsourced to one of the BIG companies, I averaged $25-$30 an hour on VRE. Our headers and footers were counted and we were paid per line (not a 65 character line, but per actual line). Of course we did not have PTO or any other benefits, but it was a DREAM job!! Now, I sit at my computer and check for work for 6 hours a day and I feel lucky to make $60+ per day. Sigh. Wondered if any more of those dream jobs were still available - I guess the OP has one!! Just saying that not all lines are created (or counted) equally and $20-$25 per hour IS possible.
Not out of the question at all - Old Pro
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When I retired recently, I was making $33+ an hour straight transcribing. (And it is TRANSCRIBING, not "typing." :-.)

I get paid an average - CB

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My last job was an average of the year before.

When I applied for my current job, this was a question I asked every company. Some paid hourly, some an average - I'd say out of the 6 companies I interviewed with, it was about 50/50. The company I decided to go with pays an average of what you made the week before. It was one of the things important to me, just for the reason you mention. I would be losing money with an hourly rate of $12.

hourly average - Opti MT

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Opti-Script pays the prior quarter's hourly average for all holidays and PTO as well as for meetings and training time. It's a nice benefit.

My company does the same thing... it's the - best way for them to

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screw us out of PTO.

I am FT 8 hour/day 40 hour/week employee. My PTO is calculated by my line count. Why? Because if we have NJA, they don't have to give us PTO according to the number of hours we sit there checking for work. If we have no work, we build up no PTO because we get no lines in... even if we've been checking our computers upwards of 12+ hours in a day.

Why do they calculate the PTO according to lines but PTO pay according to your cpl rate x 1200 minimum/8 hours? Again, to screw us if we're an MT who is able to get their minimum lines (1200 for me) done within less than the 8-hour time frame and not work the rest of the shift (my company has this policy as well).

It's the cheapest way to go... shouldn't be surprising.

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