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Breast-feeding while dictating - oh me oh my

Posted: Jan 13, 2012

Doc slurring words, baby grunting and making a fuss, doc switching breasts, etc, etc, sounded like breast sex with baby for 10 minutes of dictation.  Lovely, absolutely lovely, no wonder no one else wanted to do it.  How many years of education do these docs have under their belts??!!?? 

What's your problem - anon

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with breast feeding? And what does education and breast feeding have to do with each other?

And as a breast feeding mother I find "breast sex" to be completely ignorant and insulting. It shows what kind of perverted mind you have.

Reply to what's your problem - kitty

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I think the poster meant with all the education these people have, it seems they would have enough sense not to try to dictate a medical report while breast feeding their child. That should be a quiet,special time for mom and baby. Also, they want these jobs back ASAP and near perfect but give no thought to the fact that there is someone on the other end trying to hear/understand them. I have one who sounds like she is always standing in the middle of a daycare center when she dictates...she is very distracted and it is near impossible to hear her well which cuts into my production pay. They dictate while they drive, go to the bathroom, play with kids, eat etc. and it is very aggravating. I think that is all the previous poster was saying.

she could have said it in a better way? seriously breast sex? - get real people

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that is degrading breastfeeding. Who gives anyone the right to criticize what the doctor does. She is probably crunching for time and killed 2 birds with one stone. At least she is feeding her baby and not making her wait while she dictates and letting it go hungry. You people amaze me about what you complain about. Be thankful you have a job and are getting paid.
Amen. - no msg.
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I can kind of understand. I have transcribed - for one that does this
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and now I know what it is but didn't at first. This one dictates really long charts, and the whole way through you can hear suckling, grunting, then finally at the end I hear a baby whimper and figured out what was going down. I nursed 2 out of 3 of my children, so I don't have a problem with breastfeeding, but I do wish she could do this at a different time. I'm glad doctors eat, but I wish also they would do this before/after dictating charts. It is quite annoying as the recorders pick it up really good. Kind of along the same lines of chewing, eating hard candy, etc.
The person who has the right to criticize is the person - wannie
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trying to make some sense of out what is being dictated. I have absolutely no problem with breastfeeding. I do, however, feel that is something very special and private between mother and child. I was not able to breast feed my own children and missed that special bonding. I agree that the "breast sex" comment was not appropriate, but I do agree that her job and her family life/obligations/choices should be kept separate from her job just the same as mine should. Doctors put their pants/clothes on the very same way I do and should be held to the same high standards that the MTs are. I am thankful I have a job. I am thankful I'm getting paid. I do wish that the person dictating would stop and take the time to realize that the person on the other end needs to be able to understand what is being said without all the distracting background noise. I know that sometimes the background noise can't be helped, but most of it could if the person dictating were a little more considerate. Okay, I've had my say. Now I feel better.
Excellent post by wannie - and....
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Absolutely correct.
Prefer this rather than some other options. - Suzy Q
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I really would prefer to have doctor doing this over some other obnoxious things which I have heard -- such as eating sounds, blowing his nose, burping loudly or arguing with his wife while dictating. I really have heard all the above and it is very disgusting.

I would much prefer to have woman doc breast-feeding any day than some of above.
Reply to anon - kitty
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Yes, "breast sex" was a bit much, I agree. I just meant I can understand her frustration with trying to hear and understand a doc who is so distracted. I have been through some very difficult times these past 2 years and believe me, I am very thankful to have a job. I worked 2&3 jobs for years raising 2 ill children alone....know all about killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Really was not "complaining", just stating simple facts such as how we all know there are some very bad dictators and it can get frustrating at times. While her choice of words could have been better, I just felt like she was blowing off some steam, having a rough day as we all do at times. Being aggravated and blowing off steam does not always mean someone is just complaining, not grateful.

yes, could have done without the colorful phrase - typical

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I just can't get over the stuff people will say. Is it me?

Yes, it's you. - PassingThru

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She was just venting. That's what people do when they're frustrated.

If you "just can't get over" what someone posted on a forum, then it IS you.

typical - anna

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No, it's not you. I am disgusted, too. There are two kinds of people in this world--those who are civil and those who are not.

oh me oh my - Old Pro

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"Breast sex?' Come on, get a grip.

Yeah, get a real good grip, squeeze boobs real hard and maybe she - can put the milk in a bottle instead.

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LOL - Beentheredonethat

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Thanks for the laugh!


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Went through the same thing. Doc dictated while nursing and did not even have the respect to stop dictating when her baby was screaming, just tried to talk over it. To beat it all, I got punished by QA for this.

I have one doctor who nurses while dictating. I absolutely love - me

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to do her just so I can hear the baby. It brings back memories of when my boys were babies.

To my mind, doing the paperwork is part - of patient care,

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even though for some of them it is a part they hate. Would anyone think it was cute or funny if a doctor on rounds came in feeding a baby (breast or otherwise), used the toilet, farted or burped or coughed loudly, ate their lunch or had sex while on rounds or examining a patient? I know I when I run across this kind of abusive, unprofessional behavior (fortunately not too often)I am hoping very hard that this doctor gets sued hard enough to have MD removed from his or her name permanently.

AMEN, Sister! - BusyBee

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You are SPOT on!

ignore them omom - mimi mt

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Don't get upset by the people yelling at you. They have probably had ignorant people crab at them in a restaurant or something for breast feeding and are sensitive. I myself have a doc who "Pumps" during dictating. It took me a bit to figure out the noise, and then I had to laugh, because I thought I was back on the farm.:) I teased my daughter about this and she thought it was funny, so some of the mommies do have a sense of humor:)

"Ignorant?" - LOL

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Here we go with your ridiculous assertion that everyone who doesn't want to see someone's boob plopped out in a restaurant is "ignorant."

When the breastfeeding mothers learn to do it in public DISCREETLY (YES, it can be done! WITH NO BREAST EXPOSED), they will find the entire world on their side. As long as they INSIST on unnecessarily exposing themselves in public, there will be people who DO NOT support that activity. NOT because they're against breastfeeding but because they object to the MANNER in which these women are doing it. And those folks are not "ignorant" by any stretch. But evidently you are.

I have had doctors dictate while they are under a hair dryer, and sm - Colorado MT

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while her daughter was attempting to play the piano, etc., so I am sympathetic to the various background noises one has to endure when trying to transcribe dictation, but the breast sex comment was totally inappropriate. Never in my 50-some years on this planet have I ever heard (well, read in this case) someone refer to breast feeding in that manner, and if I'm lucky I won't have to see/hear it again.

Let's all - GET A

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Here it is for you again - and all

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so easily offended - sounds like you know exactly what "breast sex" is and probably have had it with your own baby(ies.)
Hopefully - you now realize that it is an inappropriate task while dictating medical records since it clearly is difficult to dictate an accurate legal record when having breast sex. A task better left to when not dictating and when in bed with your sex partner.

when it hits a nerve there is usually a reason ;)


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