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Company Board

That is really terrible! Thanks for sharing that. - MT27

Posted: Jan 14th, 2017 - 2:08 pm In Reply to: Don't feel guilty - Sunshine

That is terrible to talk about MT and QA in a bad way. We are each at our own level in this profession and we learn as the years go by. As if the account we work on there is so great. I could say things but I won't. Also the platform makes us do the smallest things we are not paid for. Wow this angers me to hear they gossip like that. How unprofessional! What are we? Things and not humans? Here I was thinking this company was sweet at least they came across that way in the interview. Argh. I am tired of our talent and we do have talent, we are technically skilled people with a vocabulary of doctors and writers, treated like we are dopes and airheads. I am so sorry this happened to people and thanks for sharing this. This made my decision for me.


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