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She is HORRIBLE. She was the reason I quit, - sm

Posted: Nov 10th, 2015 - 7:06 am In Reply to: Moving with my account to a new POD - starting today

my absolute last straw. I usually tuck my head & just do my job & don't really have any problems or any more contact than I have to with management, but that's not how she operates. She is rude and condescending and seems to really enjoy denying PTO and changing schedules just to make your life more inconvenient & see how far she can push you. This must be her first taste of power, and she is one who should never have any power over people because she abuses it. I didn't even want to quit, but I got tired of the bullying and schedule changes and not being able to ever take off. That was never a problem before her, and it doesn't appear that they will do anything about her even though they know people are quitting because of her, so she was my last straw. I would love to know whose brilliant idea it was to choose her for this position!


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