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thanks for the info. - OP

Posted: Nov 9th, 2015 - 11:17 am In Reply to: welcome! - anon

I never call in sick or ask to swap schedules so I will never use the swap board. I also will not work OT if we are made to use it for that. I plan to call HDSM to inform her of my opinion of the swap board use for OT. I will not be bullied into using something that takes unpaid time to negotiate. I think I will use my days with no OT to look for another job. My kids are old enough I can work outside the house now, and it just might be time to make that move. One of my sweet nieces who has worked her way up in the workng world with no college degree was just hired as the director of a nursing home with a starting salary in the 6 figures. I may be too old to get that far, but certainly there is better than this out there somewhere.


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