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I think swap board does a lot of her work for her. - math not easy for her

Posted: Nov 9th, 2015 - 1:15 pm In Reply to: To LC the swap board is God. - smmt

I think the swap board puts it into the schedule spread sheet. Relieves her of doing the math I think as I haven't had any difficulties math-wise regarding me being in a different time zone since she went totally to the swap board. She claims that she has been directed to use the swap board, which I would believe since MM has made so many tutorials for its use.

The swap board is just not the one size fits all solution for every situation is not always the most logical or sensible solution. I got in trouble once for not using the swap board. It was not the logical solution to my unexpected situation, and I let her know. Fortunately, I did not hear back that I was wrong anyways.

Plus, if you work Friday and/or Saturday, your goose can be cooked as far as getting your hours in if something comes up unexpectedly - such as being too sick to continue your shift, power/internet outage, etc. This business of getting back to you the next business day does not work for Friday or Saturday problems. If you wait for the next business day for an answer, then you are in the "too bad, time has to be made up during the same work week" situation. Add to that, if it is make-up time, you can only choose from swap board time slots marked make up, most of which are during my shift (!) or at times I cannot work.

Oh well.... I will be glad when I can make my exit. 1 more semester and currently job hunting for a field I have no experience in (and I am "old" - 60 years old).


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