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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: What I Did.. (Views: 33)

Just hope your supervisor is nice - FrustratedMT

Posted: Nov 9th, 2015 - 9:08 pm In Reply to: Moving with my account to a new POD - starting today

LC is a bully, flat out. She holds power over your schedule like she is God. She changed mine without my consent, then lied to me about not being able to change it back. My supervisor is "trying to help," but who knows. I have a vacation coming up in a few weeks and she refuses to approve it because she's "busy with the holidays." Um, yeah, exactly. That's why it needs to be done.

She sends rude emails, then stupid emails with pictures and expects everyone to think she is hilarious. I 100% would not totally hate my job if she vanished.


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