The patient had a bout of renal colic which _____ for an ER visit. I'm hearing "com___". I would imagine it means necessitating a visit to the ER, but I'm stumped on words that s/l com---- ...
Ok, I've been getting a lot of doctors saying this. That patients can go to/return to what s/l CPAP (see pap).
Is this correct? I'm not sure if it's a nickname for another local facility either. I have a list of commonly referred to places for this client and nothing like CPAP is on there.
Just curious. ...
It is obvious she is referring to the pulse ox, but I can not figure out what PT could mean in this context. Has anyone heard this before, and if so, what does it stand for?
Thanks! ...
I left MQ back in October 2010 due to a family emergency. I was working there part time. I thought I had terminated my employment, but when I went in a little while ago to complete another application it says the following and now not sure what I do or who I contact since I don't have any of that information. Thanks for any suggestions.
Your current status for this position is:
Welcome to MedQuist. Our records indicate you have successfull ...
I just set up a new computer but after starting work, realized I alll my macros are on the old one, so as I am builiding my library again, I can't figure out how to make the space bar insert the macro. I can enter them, but when I type and hit the space bar nothing happens. Waaaaaaa :( ...
I'm on my Nth percocet since yesterday, going to dentist at 5 pm. I have no PTO time available so do I have to make up time away to see the Dr.?
I've heard conflicting things from higher ups over the days and months. ...
When did this get scheduled? Just noticed it.
We will be performing emergency maintenance beginnning at 12:00 pm Eastern 3/25/2010 and lasting for up to 10 minutes. There may be a brief interruption of some services for DocQmanage and DocQscribe users. ...
Do I capitalize "Psychiatric Emergency Area" or just "Psychiatric Emergency" and not "area" ? I believe "emergency room" is not to be capitalized but I have seen where "Psychiatric Emergency Room" was capitalized. Thank You ! ...
Received an interesting e-mail from the next higher up over our supervisor and one thing that was talked about was having an emergency plan in case of equipment failure and DSL going down, etc. I have to say I am kinda chuckling at this. A follow up e-mail from a supervisor suggested going to Starbucks where they have free Wi-Fi. I was thinking this would like be a HIPAA problem (maybe not). The other suggestion was going to a relatives house. Another suggestion was ...
It's a sad realization that while I was a fairly decent medical transcriptionist, I am not good at editing. I made 3 critical errors in one day. I don't really have an excuse. I caught a bazillion errors as I had some pretty bad dictations yesterday but missed a lab error 50.3 instead of 50.8, a diagnosis VR typed hemangioma and it was supposed to be meningioma. There was one other stupid one. I'm not too proud to admit, I am just not cut out for this. I'm not sure if ...
Do I capitalize Emergency Medical Technician or just Emergency medical technician. As is the patient works for ----- hospital as an emergency medical technician.
Also, do you capitalize a medical proffession name after the doctors name. Ex-Dr. Smith, Oncologist or oncologist. I have looked and looked, but I thought it should be and someone else thinks it shouldnt. Trying to get the correct format. I just cant remember and I cannot seem to find in my BOS. Thanks for the help. ...
Patient is having shoulder surgery. Doctor is VERY fast and mumbling -
"Under general endotracheal anesthesia and the patient supine on the ____ table,...."
Sounds like hen-nic or possibly even "head and neck" but I can't verify this in my books.
Thanks is advance for your time and your help!
The following sentence was dictated:
"Patient brought to the operating room and __ placed supine on the operating table." The __ word sounds like it starts with "sw", but I'm not able to make it out. It makes since for the word to be "was" because it fits the sentence, but I'm not sure. Any ideas??
They have put out the word that they are hiring more auditors. That is probably to ensure more mistakes are caught, thereby lowering our pay even more and turning us against one another.
I don't understand FIESA's role in this. Anyone?? ...
I recently moved into a small two bedroom house. It's an older house with a very creepy basement that is not finished, is damp, and just gross. Until I can afford to convert the garage or re-do the basement, my teenaged son has one bedroom and my 8yo daughter and I share the the master BR. Meanwhile my husband sleeps in the LR on the couch (our relationship is basically that of friends now who can't afford divorce). Anyway, my desk currently is in the LR. ...
So I just took a HIPAA course regarding the "new rules" regarding our liabilities and obligations under the law. I often get dictations by doctors who are obviously working at home with their kids running freely (and loudly) through the room, and perhaps a caretaker's voice now and then. If its a HIPAA violation for ME to have other people listening to dictation, isn't the doctor dictating in the presence of others who obviously have no business hearing that dictation a rep ...