I just learned I need to have surgery on BOTH knees and will be disabled for a while.
I wonder if there is any equivalent to the foot pedal controlled in another way?
Thanks to all you helpful fellow MTs. ...
All summer, my work has been slowly but steadily drying up. "NJA" pops up so often, my PC screen is now starting to show those letters in that spot, even when I'm not logged on.
When your work gets slow, and you contact your company to inquire about it, don't you just WONDER how our workflow could possibly be tied-in with your local educational system? I know I sure do.
May 2010: Reason for NJA? "School is almost over."
Early June 2010 ...
It s/l he is saying lipids are controlled with combination "fibrate and statin". The word "fibrate or feb rate" are what is in question.
Nice to see you guys again. I have switched to yet another company. It's all editing so far and it's low pay but if you commit yourself to a certain number of lines, you get bonuses. The thing is - I have had nothing but horrid experiences working with editing, having to edit several words in almost every line. This edit ...
Surgical reprot:
I did not place a drain as I felt it best not to have an area for blood to evacuate so that it would hopefully clot and "s/l tam-pi-nod", which is a well-known principle.
Not well known to me. Any suggestions? ...
Could not stop patient's bleeding. Patient on Coumadin. Dr. dictates "Patient given Vitamin K and s/l FSP or SSP to reverse INR. Dr. mumbles this line. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. ...
Has anyone tried transcribing from a laptop away from their desk at home, maybe from the couch or in a reclining position while recuperating from a back injury? I recently injured my back. On days off when I'm not sitting in my office chair, I feel much improved. But as soon as I sit down to work, the pain returns like the day I injured it. Even with taking frequent breaks to stand up and walk around, I can barely stand up straight or walk after my shift and feel like I return to square ...
The doctor is either saying the patient has a peon or a P1 ankle injury or something like that but I can find neither after a thorough search. Can anyone help? The fx is in slight varus if that helps. Pt. has had external fixation. Patient has a type III-A injury. Any clue?
Thank you so much for any help you can provide. Have a great night! :-) ...
The word s/l nephology or fology. It is not etiology or epidemiology. The sentence is -
I have had the opportunity to discuss ____ology of head injuries, risks, etc., with the patient.
I'm drawing a complete blank and any help is greatly appreciated. ...
Dictation about upcoming knee replacement - past medical history sounded like "She had a recognized pata-ball injury" but pata-ball doesn't look right to me... ...
To have the percentage of stuff that goes to QA be a factor in the bonus. They are just encouraging people to send through stuff that truly is not decipherable (even numbers). Plus, how fair is it when you have one truly unavoidable blank in a 19-minute report and ALL those lines get counted as having been sent to QA? Motivating people to send through incorrect reports just could put me over the edge as far as leaving. ...
when they cut your pay and then ask you to absorb the printing and mailing costs of the ridiculous "new hire documents" for people who were innocently going along, doing their daily work, when out of the blue they were told of being merged into another company. Now really, is any of this OUR fault?? Like somebody said before, we are the faithful backbone of MDI and now we are being treated like scum off the street. I cannot for the life of me figure out why they need us to fill ...
Pt has injured her right index finger and doctor dictates the following:
I feel that both s/l EC and EIP are intact today on my exam.
I cannot find reference to the EC and possibly the EIP. THANKS for any and all help!!! ...
I have been an LPN for 8 years. I have 3 children ages 3, 7, and 12. I recently injured my back in December on the job at a nursing home and I am interested in working from home. I just don't know what to do. Is MT better than billing/coding? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also suggestions on what school/online program to go through would be great also. Thanks! ...