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Help! Burn injury with a s/l boolay on his hand. - Triscuit
Posted: Apr 21, 2010n/m
bulla (singular), bullae (pleural). nm - ColtsFan
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Thanks! Love ya! That would have been 6 blanks! - Triscuit
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it is plUral, not plEural, pleural is for lungs - plural
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Plural - ColtsFan
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I noticed my error after I posted. It was 1:30 in the morning and I didn't take the time to correct myself. I do think my post helped the OP though and saved her/him from sending blanks. What purpose did your post serve?
It's ridiculous that someone even took the time to point this out! - rqCMT
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I don't think you should have to defend yourself. You were thinking pleural rather than plural, because you're an MT and obviously use pleural more often, LOL. I could see myself doing the same thing, especially when tired. The person that made that comment obviously has way too much time on their hands if they need to nitpick about things like that. I think it is great when people use this board (like you and me) to help fellow MTs rather than criticize others to try and make themselves feel superior. The people that feel the need to do that are quite sad in my opinion. Anyway, I hope you have a great day!
probably bulla (or bullae if plural)- ? nm - Maggie
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