Gray's Anatomy talks about "The interior of the anal cami and lower part of the rectum.&qu - sm
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Would not pretend to even understand what cami is meaning in this context, but cami means camisole, so not sure if this helps, but try searing the net about the anal cami and you will find information.
Surgical reprot:
I did not place a drain as I felt it best not to have an area for blood to evacuate so that it would hopefully clot and "s/l tam-pi-nod", which is a well-known principle.
Not well known to me. Any suggestions? ...
Could not stop patient's bleeding. Patient on Coumadin. Dr. dictates "Patient given Vitamin K and s/l FSP or SSP to reverse INR. Dr. mumbles this line. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. ...
Same patient as below who needed the sternal rubbing. He has massive GI bleeding and in the ER the doc says: "Protonix and s/l senospirin drip will be initiated." Any ideas what "s/l senospirin" could be? Could also be "fenospirin" or maybe "sporin" instead of "spirin"on the end. Lord lord lord. What *IS* this?? ...
This is in the preop (C-sect) consent portion of an H&P. The patient has no past medical history.
"The risks and benefits of the procedure have been discussed with the patient at length, including the risk of anesthesia, the risk of bleeding, infection and possible damage to bowel and bladder. I have also counseled her as to the unlikely possibility for a **C hiss** in the unlikely event of uncontrolled bleeding. "
It doesn't sound like dehisence and, rath ...