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what is the acceptable rate for ASR reports? (sm) - just me
Posted: May 25, 2011Thanks for the reply. Have a wonderful day 
Do you want what's acceptable or what people are paying? - mt
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If you want what most MTSOs are paying, it's around 4 cents per line. If you want acceptable... you probably need to find another job. lol. Not making fun of you. Just saying that while the pay seems to be the same across the board, that doesn't make it acceptable. I'm laughing out of exasperation at this point. :)
:} - OP, sadly the pressures on employers to keep
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their prices down have lead to about 3 cents per line for, presumably (don't eat me, victims), very clean copy; 4 cents per line, probably average; to 5 to 6 for really dirty copy requiring a lot of correction. I've been doing this for a long time now, improving constantly, and my income is going DOWN significantly. Rates overall are just too low for the work. I make notably more transcribing and am no longer interested in editing, even though I am very good at it.
VR has been so bad lately with my company - tired
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that I am getting worn out trying to do all of the corrections! I work on M-Modal and usually the VR isn't too bad, but for the last two weeks it has been making incredibly stupid mistakes. I can't even speed up the dictator because there are so many mistakes. If it stays like this, I'm going to lose a ton of money, all while putting in the same amount of time. Very frustrating.
The ESL docs should have to make a certain percentage of accuracy before ever - being placed on VR
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and if not cutting, it they should have to keep trying until they get it and then place them on VR. They should stop putting physicians in VR without testing them first. Hey, here's a though, put the physicians who are really worthy of VR into VR and keep the rest out and then pay me 4 cents a line for doing editing that is truly editing, not 4 cents a line for work that would be considered straight typing.
Not Just ESL - Old MT
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There are plenty of bad non-ESL dictators. Dictators who constantly back up over themselves, even though they speak clearly, make the worst ASR jobs and shouldn't be allowed on there. But they are.
Anyway, I'm getting out of this rat race. Nothing solid yet, but some prospects.
There is NOTHING acceptable about Speech Wreck - Andypudenda
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Have you seen the crap in patient medical records these days? Sorry you couldn't pay me enough to compromise patient safety for the sake of the almighty $$$. And shame on you apologists for Speech Wreck. How do you live with yourselves?
Fair rate - sm
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See this article regarding what constitutes a sufficient wage:
Using the figure of $14/hour, assuming the average MT is producing around 150 lph with the current quality of most VR, a fair rate would be roughly 9.5 cpl, or more than double what most companies are now offering and greater than what they offer for straight transcription. This is a rate that will never be paid because an equitable distribution of profits would mean executives having to part with some of their millions.
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