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escription V11 help - rock bottom

Posted: Mar 05, 2015

Anyone on this platform, please tell me it gets better.

I spent 2-1/2 hours and got absolutely nothing done. Demographics locked up completely and I had to X out, sending the work back to pool. Tried to upload, but kept telling me to confirm demographics which I did, then demographics header grayed out completely, then tried to upload, and again message to confirm demographics, which had been confirmed and were now locked up and grayed out.

The entire platform seems just plain overwhelming with so many different menus, submenus, and sub-sub-menus.

Yep, I did the traiining, completely perused the user manual, made cheet sheets, etc. Had no trouble learning and mastering Enterprise5 but this editsript seems like a maze.

If my line counts get any lower, I'll be eligible for all kinds of assistance including unemployment. Seems like escription will do that for me.

Maybe that is the reason for all the job ads to 'dream bigger.'

I can sympathize with you...try this - if your screen freezes up

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Right click at the bottom bar, click task manager, and then end task.

This happens to me when I try to access normals - screen will gray out/freeze and I'll have to do the above (usually just once). It sucks but it works for me. I had to figure it out for myself--had to lose jobs a lot at first--TSM no help, tech support no help.

I had to go back and use V10 - newbutold

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I was told by my TSM to go back and use V10 because I had so many problems with V11

If you are having technical trouble that is - impacting your production.. sm

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Then why didn't you call MTSupport? I'd do that right away.

Yes, call tech support - DJ

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When I first went to V11 -- horrible problems with jobs freezing/locking up. Lost time, lost lines. Tech support did everything -- ran a scan on my computer, updated, updated some more and still had problems. Finally, someone in tech support recommended I do something as simple as change the screensaver that came with my computer to the default and that fixed the problem. Don't sit around losing time and lines -- call tech support -- at least you can claim that time on your timesheet.

Tech support and TSM no help - rock bottom

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And so here's the result of calling tech support. There is nothing wrong, it is a training software issue. They cannot train us to use the program properly. Neither did all those webinars and the trainer.

Here's the result of contacting my TSM: Call tech support.

Here's the result of contacting my so called trainer who did absolutely nothing whatsoever until I demanded that she answer my questions: She told me to go read the poorly written manuals and cheat sheets.

This company is coming apart and likely going to go the way of the last company I saw do stuff like this - they no longer exist at all.

But I believe that is Paul Ricci's firm intent - to replace all of us with his software completely and just have software do the work.

This escription is the absolute worst transcription software I have ever used.

All of our helps were taken away - no normals but their screwed up ones. They even told us not to change the normals at all on one account and some of them have so many mistakes and so much garbage, so much for patient quality, patient safety.

No more copy to paint so we are not going back and forth and back and forth looking at old reports.

Nobody even bothered to tell us they updated the account specs, entirely 180 degrees opposite the old ones, so I imagine they saved a whooping amount of money this week by dumping everybody's QA score down to the bottom for not following AS we were not even informed existed.

They need to take out the word Communication in their name. There is very little if any communication and most of it is miscommunication.

My pay the next 2 weeks will be at 1970's levels. I might even get that dreaded makeup pay letter. My system score will be so far from the timeclock that they'll wonder what the hell I was doing. My answer - trying to get the system to work like the user manual says it does.

People want to jump ship from my TSM to any other one because she does not even give us the very basic guidance and direction, just pictures of her family and recipes.

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