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Lost my Shorthand 10 flash drive! - (edited) Never mind, found one at the SH10 website

Posted: Jul 28, 2012

Does anyone have a .spf file that they could "loan me" until I either find my flash drive or I build my own up (could take years like my original one did!)?  I had a backup but that hard drive crashed, and boy was I grateful for the flash drive backup, but what with one thing and another, I didn't back it up on my new computer and of course now I'm kicking myself.  Or if there is a resource online that I could use, that would be great.

I'm looking for a more generic compilation, not necessarily 10,000 entries and not account-specific (although if those are in there, I'll be glad to spend time deleting them), but one that especially includes medications, syndromes, etc - all those things that I spent time looking up years ago and which, if I can't depend on my memory here in my 50s, I'm going to have to spend time looking up again. 

Thanks a bunchEmbarassed  (That's me, embarrassed at having to ask!)

So glad you found a backup. - Rainy

[ In Reply To ..]
I just saw your post, not that I would have been a big help (not sure how to send an .spf file your way). Thanks for 1) posting that there is a generic backup on the Sh10 website and 2) reminding me to back my file up on a CD, something I usually do once year, in addition to the flash drive.

Thanks - re: SH10

[ In Reply To ..]
You may never need to do this, but you can send a .spf file by attaching it to an email. You have to know where on your hard drive your Shorthand .spf files are stored and you can find this by opening SH10, going to File in top left and you should see your file path; or go to File=>Open and it'll open up the folder where the .spf is.

Then do the attach from the email you're sending, go to where the .spf file is, and finish attaching (whatever that procedure is for your email provider - mine is just double-click).

My description sounds confusing even to me(!) but the basics are to attach .spf to an email and send.

This is also a good way to back up your file - you can send it to yourself, put it in your "keep forever" folder, whatever it's named, and it'll be there until the next time that you need it. I'm actually going to do that from now on - send my backup via email on a regular basis and delete the older emails as I go.

Shorthand 10 - Top Gun

[ In Reply To ..]
Do you have a Shorthand 10 program to spare me?

here's my email just in case:



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