A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

NEWS FLASH new Webmedx message - webbie

Posted: Oct 25, 2010

I was working and just received an e-mail that there was a company update posted to the community page. So far, after listening to half the voice went out and so I have not been able to listen to the second half yet, BUT they said they had solid business commitments coming up and would be hiring I believe they said 128 transcriptionists! He also said anyone that was let go due to the RIF was welcome to apply again, and said that the RIF was a first for the company and hopefully the last. I am encouraged but still wary. I am finally to the point that I know my accounts and the platform and am making a very good income. I am going back to see if I can reload that 2nd half of the message now!

Wow, so they really ARE re-hiring - sm

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It's so soon after the layoffs, though. Couldn't they have waited a few weeks and skipped the layoff process altogether?

If contracts are in negotiation for new business, they are - wishful thinking until signed. So, no.

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Do you start spending and change your lifestyle because you applied for a job or tested? Even an interview isn't enough sometimes. You have to wait until you sign on the dotted line and start working.

Same thing with business.

Perhaps new contracts came up out of the blue or others were in negotiation.

I think WMX is MUCH safer than MQ/Spheris both of which have had numerous, regularly scheduled reductions in force.

They probably did not have the new business solidified yet. sm - see message

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They're darned if the do, darned if they don't.

Their "darned" problem to me is - SM

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They don't communicate very effectively! They could have told the RIF MTs (which I am not one - still there) that there might be more work in a few months and to please come back. It just didn't seem like the ones who let go were treated as if they were "valued." I think it could have been handled differently. And I think they could have communicated with the ones left better. I don't have a strong opinion about whether they are on the up and up, but talking to their employees about what is going on would go a long way. They said they got these contracts 3 weeks ago. Why not tell us then? Look at all the bad press that might have been avoided.
agree with you - webbie
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I am guessing maybe the contracts weren't 100% for sure earlier, but their communication has been horrible recently. And I totally agree with the manner in which they terminated the employees. If I had been part of the RIF...I doubt I would consider returning unless I was desperate!I am hoping with the MTAB board that they will try to be more open and communicative now.
Actually they DID state back then that a specific number - of new contracts were being
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finalized and others also in the works.
So now, 128 new full-time positions over the next few months, plus commitment stated to "reaching out to" previous production employees. They also pointed out that making a reduction in force was something new for the company, not experienced before.

Regarding more open and communicative--probably just can't afford to be much more. That's the way it goes.
Actually the did NOT. That is why there was so much speculation - here. No answers were forthcoming at all!
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The company did not speak at all after the layoff. Anything and everything you heard was from this board. If the company had spoken, they could have avoided a lot of misunderstandings and rumors. I hope they have learned to be more open and honest with their own employees. Keep the secrecy for the competition...we were on your side!
But, they DID, though. I'd left the meeting posted on the Community - Board up on my screen and listened to it again
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after all the excitement developed here. I posted here their statements--already available to all WMX employees--that new contracts were in the works and that employees let go were invited to come back when they did.

The new message is up now and available to listen to.
But you said they - quote- stated BACK THEN -unquote - Did not think you were talking about the message y
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I misunderstood your post, it seemed as if you were talking about "back then" as in when the layoffs first occurred. I appreciated the communication from them yesterday, and I hope they keep it up. Keep the silence for the competition - we're on your side (WMX).
Uhhuh, it was back then. In any case, we all appreciate - the communication, the more the better. :) NM
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Good points all around. nm - no message
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You are correct, they did. But no one wanted to hear that. - sm
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After the reduction in workforce the torches and pitchforks were blazing on this board. There was rampant rumor mongering (Webmedx is being sold! Webmedx had massive layoffs! Webmedx sending all work overseas! Webmedx is firing all long-timers and hiring newbies! Webmedx is getting rid of their higher paid MTs! Webmedx is getting rid of all MTs and going fully to front end VR! Hide your children!)
Webmedx brought that upon themselves with their silent treatment. - They have to expect rumor if they
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Won't talk to us. That is how things get blown out of proportion. I hope the company has learned something in all of this - communication is KING!
The point is, hon, they DID communicate then and now. - Short notice and little detail
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(and the notice was removed in just a few days instead of being left up), but the most important information WAS there--new accounts and more work are coming.

Fortunately, hundreds of MT/MEs at WMX did listen. Can you imagine if it'd been hundreds instead of a handful raging here? But it wasn't.

BTW, HAS everyone listened to this entire message to make sure it got thru?
Thanks HON! But they did NOT communicate to all of us - They removed it almost immediately.
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Not all of us got to listen to it. Had they left it up, then yes, I would say they had communicated, but the quick manner in which it was removed smacked of secrecy. That is NOT communication HON!
i remember that too - sm
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i was off for the 2 days the msg was up and so the only info I got was here. I'm sure they took it down cuz they didn't like quotes being posted on this board, but that just fueled more speculation and fear. Just because "they" know whats going on doesn't mean the rest of us do. And this was a loooong time they waited before communicating again. I just hope they have learned their lesson. That is, if indeed they want to.
Uh, not so. They did communicate what happened. - What else should they have done?
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Sat around bantering with everyone over it?

It was an action they took. They announced it as they should have. There was nothing more to say.

There would have been NOTHING they could have said to pacify you or any of the other comlaintants. Nothing would satisfy you. No need to get in a kicking match.

The rumoring and speculation are the fault of those complaining because they were/are angry (understandably so) but apparently did not know how to handle those emotions. Add to that situation those who seem to believe every word written on the Internet and you have the angry leading the blind.

Venting in a public forum isn't going to do anyone any good.

They should have (and hopefully did) used that surge of emotional energy to get into a new job and/or embark on a new career.

NO, I am not a "suit." I'm an MT of more than 20 years.

The company has communicated. I hope MTs have learned to get busy with owning their own jobs and careers.

For starters they could have left the message up longer than a couple of hours. - Maybe a written communique? Anything at all!!
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You are not a suit? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More power to you. Well stated. - nm
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LOL! Right! - wink, wink....
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Talk to yourself often? LOL!
Still, as en employee I was not given - the courtesy of
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An email informing me that it was worth waiting for, how long the wait would be, when they would expect the flexing to become better, etc. Maybe they don't know that yet and couldn't say, but here they are blaring about 148 new jobs when there are still a lot of us sitting here waiting for work and wondering if they will again hire more people before making sure they have enough for those already employed. You can't blame it all on the pitchfork brigade, that is blaming the victims of not-enough-information. This morning NJA for 2 hours already...still the information vacuum exists.
E-mail would have been nice, I guess, but they chose an audio - anon.
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form of address, perhaps hoping to reach out better by voice. But, hey, go listen to this one now. It's a group notice on the Community Board (BTW, the new-hire figure is 128).

Oh, and after several good days, my accounts are down too. Bad because we're helping our kids buy a house, and I really need to be able to show two good paychecks right now.
:) Well, hopefully we all listen and read a lot more carefully when - working (without torches to distract). NM
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I listened to the audio - but am at a loss
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In this day and age, as to why such a poor vehicle was used to deliver their message. Even a written report would have been better. I found it difficult to hear Judi for some reason. I will go back and listen again, and hope more will get through my thick skull. It seemed a little corporate speak-y for me, though, and I still maintain that individual employees deserve individual information as to their particular situation, something which has not been forthcoming thus far.
I'm best at taking in written info too, but believe me - anon
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so many are not. I wrote letters all day long when I worked in commercial finance and got so many "what's this about?" calls back from business professionals that I started

1. dropping, and
2. centering anything I needed them to do (sign and return the enclosed), AND
3. numbering if more than one.

That cut the calls down, but not enough, so I started

4. Highlighting the item(s) in the middle in yellow.

That finally cut the calls by about 4/5. :) I guarantee a written notice wouldn't serve any better in this industry, even though we **listen** and read for a living.
MTAB is not new. I used to be on the board at least a year ago. nm - been there, done that
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2nd half of message - webbie

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Maybe they have been reading this board, because they stressed that their success has been because of our efforts, which was nice. They also mentioned the MTAB which was in the latest newsletter, the MT Advisory Board, and they have added more members. I have worked with several of these people, who are really great co-workers and very knowledgeable. They also discussed improvements made to help us with transcription. Overall, I am very encouraged and hoping this continues.

I was encouraged by the recorded update. nm - anotherWMXMT

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I think it is pathetic - gonewebbie

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that anyone involved in the RIF should have to reapply. Anyone involved has proven or disproven themselves to Webmedx and they should have the courtesy to contact those let go and offer them a position, if they were not let go due to quality. That would be a step in the right direction of proving they are still a decent company to work for and maybe they would not be so slammed on this board.

Don't be offended, Gone. The paperwork has to be - Pragmatist

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done because of legalities, civil and governmental. Everyone let go became an ex-employee and thus would have to be reemployed. On the plus side, references would be considered very reliable, doubt they'd even bother to check them. :)

It's probably just a formality. If you were part of the RIF - currentWebber

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...and you'd like to work for Webmedx again, then give your STM or HR a call. If not, then let it go, move on, and stop the bashing.

Pathetic? The announcement was just posted near end of business yesterday. - see message

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Give them some time. They are saying that the will reach out to those let go.

Also, there was so much venom and hatred spewed on these boards by some MTs that were laid off, if I were management at Webmedx I would not blindly go to everyone and welcome them back with open arms. I would want only the MTs that choose to come back on their own. Just my opinion.

Except for 1 thing (SM) - Unbiased observer

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Do you honestly think the RIF workers that were enraged here would NOT go back to WMX? They'd go, if they don't have another job already, in a heartbeat. They need to pay their bills and feed themselves.

IMO, to regain credibility as an employer, they need to reach out to every MT that was hatcheted during the RIF. Even if it's only a form email letter inviting all who were laid off to reapply, ANY token of "personal" acknowledgement would be to their advantage in this case.

I've never been terminated with a wave of the magic wand, so to speak, as WMX did with their RIF, but I don't begrudge any of the MTs who shared their grief and vented here. IMHO, they were more than entitled to feel shock, rage, humiliation, degradation, and fear which, as I recall, was pretty much what they were expressing.

I'm glad things are picking up at WMX and I hope they do the right thing by their MTs, which is some sort of personal communication inviting them back.
Thank you for your nice post and your support! - Webster. nm
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I will believe things are - getting better when

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I actually get some real work before lunchtime and am able to finish my 8 hours before prime time (my normal hours are supposed to finish by early afternoon but not for a long time has that been possible!). Honestly, all these contracts and whatnot don't mean a lot if they can't organize their workforce better, but hopefully they will sort this out soon with the new work. It sounds like the old Webmedx back to me, so hope that odd uncommunicative phase was just a blip.

I smell a pay cut - skeptic

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During the end of the call, when the "improvements" coming to VR were discussed, I got a chill up my spine. The last time they stuck us with M-Modal and tried to shove it down our throat, how GREAT it was, they cut our pay. Hmmmm, more improvements coming to our lousy VR. I think they are setting us up for another pay cut. JMO.

Eeeewww. I bet that stinks! - nm

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Reason for Hiring - Wondering

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I'm wondering if they are really hiring because so many people quit??? It's hard to trust anything that comes from them.

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